Battle grounds timer

The timer for deathrattles needs to be sped up in battlegrounds. I’m tired of not being able to play my turn becouse the oppenent or teamamte is running undead or the teir seven night mare. The respawns take so long that you don’t get anytime in the tavern. I had a game last night where my timer going in to the tavern phase was 3 seconds. I love battle grounds, Blizzard please find a way to fix this.

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Just saw you posted this in October and it’s still ongoing, they seriously need to fix this. Had 9 Seconds to play my cards, absolutely the dumbest thing about Battlegrounds. Think I will dock the game until they either give us more time to play or they simply fix the time it takes for deathrattle animations. Was even worst when the frogs were around.

Agreed, late game in bg’s you may end up having just a few seconds (if any at all) to take your turn. Its especially bad when playing in games with undead/beast/pirates.

its an old topic but i agree. Its very annoying to wait about 1 and a half minute every round. Although i must say some heroes and builds need the time. Pirates for example need you to buy and sell alot. In one game in the top 4 i had about 40 gold coins to spent each round. And sometimes its the same with elementals, you just run out of time before you can spent all your gold because of all the buying selling and refreshing