Barrel of sludge

Disposal Assistant - Put a barrel on the bottom of the deck. (Battlecry and deathrattle)
Fracking - Look at the bottom 3 cards of my deck.

The bug happens when death knight shuffle a random plague into my deck.
Why cannot I see any barrel on the bottom of my deck, there are only random cards.

The shuffle means place into any position in my deck right? not shuffle my entire deck

Shuffle means shuffle; why would it mean something else?


not a bug. shuffle means shuffle the entire deck.


key word, shuffle, to shuffle the whole of the deck


If shuffling means the whole deck, then this is a terrible strategy against DK…

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I guess the shuffle conspiracy was the reason why dredge was such a dodgy keyword

whats going on?

It’s been an ongoing… debate in mutliple threads now that anything that says “shuffle into a deck” actually shuffles the entire deck after adding the shuffled card instead of just placing the card wherever in the deck. Due to this a lot of redundant bug fix threads were made relating to “the card says shuffle this to the bottom of the deck, it’s not there, where’d it go?” and dredge as a whole, the issue became a lot more real when people used the two cards OP was talking about

shuffle always meant shuffle the “entire” deck. it’s a holdover from physical card games where the only way to randomize where the card went in the deck was to shuffle it entirely.