Banana Slamma is a problem it doesnt stop spanking

I have to be completely honest why is this at 3 Stars with an effect as powerful as it is especially considering that they stack. I had a disdain for Leapfrogger style comps before but this is in my opinion infinitely worse for the game, I’d personally like to see Slamma changed to either give its stats additionally (for example how Rivendare currently works so for example the 2/3 turtle becomes a 4/6 with one copy and no additional buffs and a 6/8 with 2 copies of Slamma) based on the original stats of the minion. Either that or have the Slamma multiply either Attack or Health and not both. Another option would be to keep it as is and bring it up to a 5 star minion instead of a 3 star and maybe drop Mama Bear down to 4 star to compensate. This could allow the comp to still function but makes it vulnerable during the mid-game.

Needs to be that strong since the buffs are temporary. Beasts have always been balanced based on them not being able to scale with buffs in the tavern.

How else would beasts combat murlocs dropping 100+ stat murlocs from the hand with venomous mid combat?