Ban Y'shaarj from Battleground lobbies with darkmoon tickets

Zero fun to face someone still on T1 by end game with a board full of argent braggart with stats in the thousands per minion. Please ban him from those lobbies or put a cap on how many Argent Braggarts a player can obtain from tickets.

It’s one thing to face another player who got lucky, it’s another to find players using a degenerate strategy along their hero power to reach 1st place with literally zero way to stop them.

For extra context: came back to check on battlegrounds, and while it has been fun with some anomalies, this case of facing Y’saarj makes for a overall unfun and frustrating experience. He should be banned from lobbies with “A Faire Reward” anomaly. It’s way too broken.

Fyi Y’Shaarj is far from being the only hero that can do that strat. I’ve done it with shudderwock and seen it done with galywix

They nerfed the strat by changing the prize that reduces minions’ cost but it’s still achievable in certain circumstances but it’s high-risk high-reward.

If you want to counter that strat you can play murlocs with Bassgill and Relentless Mur’ghoul on board (optimal with Operatic Belcher, buff their hp a little, Tunnel Blaster to pop all divine shields) and a bunch of venomous/leeroy in hand

You can also try to be sneaky by getting a golden Argent Braggarts yourself and have Rylak Metalhead next to it (ven better with a second Braggarts even non golden, and Rylak being golden/having reborn/triggered by ara). This way you will have minions much stronger than theirs (and you can combine with the murloc strat)

Manoroth with a divine shield can also be effective

Keep in mind that they have to survive up to turn 12 at least before being able to play their strategy (turn 11 if they manage to have an ice block) and it only pop off at turn 13-14.

I don’t want to be mean, but if a player manages to survive 11 turns by staying tavern 1… You surely all played hyper greedy and not enough tempo to punish them and at least deserve half a loss. You don’t only need to build your board and adapt to what the taverns has to offer, but also to what other peoples are playing and what they plan to play.

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More like an auto-win in Y’shaarj’s case though.

Fun fact: i was using that strat, and couldn’t beat him lol. So much for the “counter”.

Other than banning him or the problematic heroes, the other way would be to make darkmoon tickets account for your tavern tier and deny you the T4 one if you aren’t tier 4-6 already. Because the only way to reach T4 darkmoon tickets without being T4 already would be by purposefully staying in tavern 1 to do it. Or give a hard cap on how many Argent Braggarts a hero can get, because the real problem here are the Argent Braggarts spam.

How im supposed to do it if beasts were not in the lobby though.

Tried one, using the darkmon ticket with divine shield and windfury, it crashed twice against divine shield and died. First combat i got like over 30 damage, 2nd one i got divine shield blocked and about 14 damage. 3rd one i still got 14 damage and died.

I was playing safe and only going greedy IF i had the combo pieces to get away with(Brann Bronzebeard for example).
This in no way excuses leaving something so broken, even by Battlegrounds standards, intact. They should really just curb this strat.

This in fact feels like a degenerate repeat of the Lich Baz’hial’s pre-nerf buddy, which abused the effect alongside Wrath Weavers to craft massive boards that were impossible to defeat outside poisonous scam, and thats assuming lich didn’t later found divine shields to protect the board. That strat was nerfed in short order, so i’m just waiting for them to do the same here.

Also, they should really look carefully at how each hero interacts with anomalies. I got Golden arena(all minions golden) along E.T.C earlier, and my opponents were pretty much screwed. Galakron’s apprentice shenanigans with T6 minions access and 16 gold quests as early as turn 4 is broken imho. The final turns of that lobby consisted in my board pretty much 1shotting everyone out of existence. This interaction feels like they really didn’t think this through.

More like an auto-win in Y’shaarj’s case though.

I don’t get why you say Y Shaarj is auto win, they just save 1 gold per turn to get a random minion that they may not already have a copy of

Cookie , Baz’hial, Hooktusk, Maiev , Nozdormu, Voone, Shudderwock, Thorim, Varden, Ysera
To me these have the same synergy level
Hoggarr, Flurgl, Patches, Rat King, Silas , Gallywix, Xyrella, Yogg
And these are even better

Banning the heroes is definitely not the way to go

I agree that something should be made toward prizes but not something that would prevent non abusive strategies to exist. Either
Argent can’t be discovered when you’re too low tavern tier.
Argent pool is limited.
Argent can’t copy an argent’s stats.
I think you only need tobalance that card and the rest is fine.

How im supposed to do it if beasts were not in the lobby though.

You don’t need an op ennemy for that to happen. Sometimes you are in top 2 and won’t have the available counter cards for what your opponent is playing, or won’t find the counter crad that is very here but didn’t get in 30 rolls

Surprisingly, i can agree with this. Adding some sort of limitations with Braggarts can fix the issue and avoid baning.

There’s some truth to this, i agree. Point is, it feels frustrating and oppresive when a opponent has a board and you have no way to beat it. It feels like Shudderwock shaman all over again on standard Hearthstone back when he was first introduced. It was just frustrating and it felt like you had no way in hell to actually counter it.

This situations inevitably pops up in battlegrounds, but when some heroes cause them way too often, it makes the whole thing frustrating and not fun. My main criticism would more accurately be the fact they need to address it faster instead of being snail paced with only a few band aid fixes in the middle before they actually fix those.

Case in point: I had ETC offered again in golden arena against all the odds, and unsurprisingly made my way to first place with a rock rock elemental comp. They really need to take a look at this and make those changes sooner than later.

Hell, the buddies era kind of exemplified this more than anything. Barov could turbo to tier 5-6 while everyone else was still on tier 3, Illidan with Tarecgosa/amalgadon/poisonous spore could dominate any combat, Tavish with Tarecgosa, Pre-nerf Baz and more.