Ban wild mill Tony druid already?!

You banned Soulstealer Mechathun in days for being an “unfair” and “uninteractive” deck, because watching someone play 25 card animations in one turn to end up in an OTK is not some Hearthstone developer’s idea of fun.

Here we are months into the turn 5 Tony druid otk where it’s so fun watching someone play 25 0 cost mana spells with Gadgetzan Auctioneer to end up in a fatigue otk, my question to you is are you sleeping or have you not milked the Tony cash cow enough my guys? Hello?

EDIT: Thank the lord, this abomination is finally gone.


Given their track record, they will nerf it a few releases after it becomes irrelevant and not get why people are making comments about how out of touch they are.


I had someone complete the entire combo on turn 4 yesterday all From hand… But they ban OTK priest decks from hand on turn 5 or 6 but perfectly acceptable for Druids to run them.

This double standard seems to be a consistent approach blizzard takes on decks from different classes and it’s really starting annoy me because it just seems like such bs.

I’m totally okay with broken decks having a few weeks to be annoying and unfun to play against, but there comes a point when it just need to be addressed. However, Blizzard approach of completely ignoring a deck for an extended period of time really does have a way to such the fun out of the game.


i lost to it 2 or 3 times but most concede right away after losing a tony or an actioneer thx to a rat or some decks a hecklebot

the ones ive faced must be terrible ones they didnt bother playing around secrets (objection snipe explosiver rune or potion of polymorph ) lucky for me they go and play auctioneer into those secrets without trying to trigger it with another minion first! :rofl:

i played hecklebot against a druid thinking it was tony auctioneer druid and it pulled out kaelthas the spellslinger one and i died lol

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In those moments, I remember Riker’s “somedays you get the bear, and some days the bear gets you.”

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I think it’ll take a few years. The developers have taken years to address some toxic wild decks (quest mage).


I miss the good old days when pulling off an exodia mage combo was considered a big deal
(“Someday I’ll be just like you!" X4 "A HA!” [fireball noises] until end of game).

Sigh, these are troubled times.


Tony was a horrible design to begin with.

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One word. Showstopper. You need him if you want to stop the show.

OTK tony druid reminds me of ignite mage… and that was stopped simply by fixing the girl.

We need to fix the auctioneer to stop this once and for all! TONY is a fun card but the auctioneer really abuses it to the point of NO INTERACTION.

Even if you dirty rat the 1st he can draw a 2nd… even if you have ice block your dead to fatigue next turn! There is no real counterplay. Without counterplay its not a real game!


ice block ? then you played mage vs this deck and you had secrets

so far i didnt had any problems with a mage deck vs this deck and the only secrets i have are objection and explosive runes
unless you arent talking about the auctioneer +tony one

running 4 secrets in my deck allows me to run ancient mysteries so the chances to not have rune or objection on the board by the time the druid can play auctioneer are low

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Yes, let’s devolve the game into either playing Druid or Mage <_<

Even if you get the right secrets up, they just discover some 0 cost minion and still go off.

0 cost minion? what ? tony druid doesnt even run cards to discover minions
they lose badly to secret decks

im guessing there is a druid deck able to counter it too going by your "druid or mage " post im guessing quest druid ?

shadow priest farms tony druid too options to beat this deck you have them too

The ones I’ve encountered have been playing Resizing Pouch.

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This deck is boring and the priest class is unbearable with a lot of cards that steal cards from the opponent. When you realize the priest is playing with your cards, both in standard and wild mode, it’s unbearable!! I want to understand where the idea of the concept of a priest who STEAL cards came from? Priest should buff minions or resurrect, but in hearthstone, the game designer thinks that a priest is a rogue!!

I don’t know the lore of World of Warcraft, but after playing Hearthstone so much, I think the lore is complete rubbish!! Keep it up Blizzard because I’m not going to spend any more money here!!

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In the olden days when this game first came out, they kinda stuck to the lore. Now every class seems to have the same mechanics.
Cover the board over and over with cards that cost 1 then keep buffing them. Every class except for a mage seems to have this ability.
Or rezzing cards. Used to be Priests.
Now that I think about it, they started to make all classes the same in world of warcraft game and people started complaining about it.
They all started to have healing abilities, rezzing abilities, siphon life abilities that used to be class specific. Even the hunter got a healing ability.

oh that been part of priest since the beginningi is one of the classes i started using because of being able to use cards i didnt have and is fun trying to get cards from my opponent deck

I believe Mech Mage has the ability to do the same, if we’re talking about creating wide boards and buffing them.

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