Ballin' Out. What Legendary Pulls Did You Get?

How lucky did you guys get with the PiP opening not including reward track and Marin?

Opened 18 legendaries. 3 signatures, 2 gold. All from one pre-order and a ton of saved gold. Maxed out on luck this time.


Not very, Only got Narain Soothfancy and Eliza Goreblade in 50+ packs from my savings in gold.


who cares? like really?

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I like seeing people have a good time opening cards they want

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i got alot but im a whale i dont feel like listing all the ones i got but i dont have a full set yet or anything but im pretty happy with my haul sorry for not listing them i didn’t record the ones i got yet

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Whale out. Honestly, it’s less expensive to whale once every 3 months than what some other people do on a daily basis.

What was your favorite pull?

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i been using my signature griftah trusted vendor a lot he’s kinda decent
otherwise i haven’t used too many of them
incindius is good though
patches the pilot is kind of fun in draw quest dh but i doubled him with felosophy the only time i played him and my board got overfilled so the pirates didnt all spawn lol plus i have son of hodir in there so it’s kind of awkward too much summon when drawn minions

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After I got narain I decided to be desperate and made a priest deck based on that Bayfin Body builder Dirty rat combo I saw people mentioning. I was able to stomach all the handbuff warriors but seeing every lone reno deck spam incindius with bounce officially tilted me too far, if I don’t get to even play minions for the rest of the fight then neither shall they.

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Last expansion was one my best openings, this one is one of the worst for now
87 packs so far “only” 4 legendaries including the guaranteed one of the first 10, I hit the pity timer in 3 packs

That sucks. I think my worst ever expansion opening was Whispers of the Old Gods. Went to pity timer for every legendary, opened 3 Herald Volajz (legendary protection was introduced shortly after iirc). Every other legendary I opened was through grinding gold.

Basically spent like $120 just to open 3 of the same legendary LMAO. I’ve had some expansions where I’ve gone absolutely nuts with my pulls, PiP being one of the best (Titans I opened almost everything first day as well).