BALANCE WILD! This is beyond lazy!

With the exception of Barnes (which will not solve anything) why do the other cards have to bear responsibility for the imbalanced card/mechanic that allowed players to cheat and not the imbalanced card itself? Why not hold it accountable?

Bloodbloom can only go to 3, that’s it. You’re going to kill off an entire mecha’thun deck, the only consistent one JUST to balance a relatively new deck archetype.

A better solution had already been told in HS sphere, both forums and on reddit. Barnes should only spawn a ghost copy or a mirror 1 mana 1/1. Another option would be to make it a tri-class card like Kazakus; however, this move will also kill reno mage archetype.

Besides, Darkest Hour laugh maniacally at the power level of Barnes. Main priority should be to completely annihilate Darkest Hour. Nerf it mana wise, keep bloodbloom same.

Make it an odd/even condition card. This way, they will not be able to run doomguards along with nerubians. Given that Gul’dan is an even card, they’ll only be able to run cards like lich king, nerubian, ragnaros, voidcaller, Cairne, Betrug, Jumbo Imp, Dread Infernal and what have you.

If they don’t run gul’dan, they are going to lose steam at some point and will never recover in the attrition game because they will have no way to gain value. So making it an odd card is also not a bad idea. They will still run doomguards, but not cubes because they will likely be on the board too. And the value is out of question at this point.

There you have it: high risk, high reward. So befitting for aggro.

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agreed, i think it’s the main (or at least, one of the mains) problems in hs

spoiler: they play fortnite and not hs in the movie xD
it’s sad we don’t have a special brawl this week for the movie, on fortnite, we get a super mode with nice rewards :x


I’m Wilding RN and having the time of my life!
Lol Bloomlock
Repeat these 2 for couple months straight.
Some guy above tried to argue “wilds fine, play loatheb pre-combo” yea gl doing that on the regular.

Then you get mill-decks trying to mill-through WBP and Bloom…Rogue/ToggAlina specifically…gl w that.

It’s just icky.
2 decks…beatin up everything not-aggro.
That’s the summation of this bull.

Lol a cubelock was floating around trying to do-something.
Like glhf w that…Sure those doomguards are mattering vs T4/5/6 mana-cheat that’s bigger than a skull?

I’m going to shower in mayonnaise.
It’s the closest thing to puke I can find within a reasonable timeframe.


I played cubelock from r8 to r4 over the last few days, a mana-cheated betrug-plot twist fills up your board quite handily- voidwalkers breaking into taunts, doomguards pushing face, sylvanas stealing, ANYTHING able to clear opponent’s board, and if you drew a cube, well, you can cube voidlord/doomguard/sylvanas copies the same turn depending on what’s needed.

Even without plot twisting, if fel lord is already out(or skull drops it, before draw step mind you), you have minimum 2 draws to push out more disposable fatties.

I use fel lord and demon package in my OWN hourlock deck because it’s pretty nuts as a backup if you run devilsaur, doomguards and rag.

Not saying it’s more OP than perfect hourlock going off; it isn’t. But you also have hourlocks thinking you’re going to let imps sit on the board for a full turn, and hourlocks who don’t pull the combo. Cube is far more powerful and consistent than people are giving it credit for being right now, and from r8 to r4 i did not run into weapon removal(or another cubelock, for that matter) ONCE. It’s quite nice!

Uh I forgot that :open_mouth: So that realistic combination is out the window as well.

I’d say you’re 110% right there. Bloodbloom was - so far - a very niche card. The problem that should be targeted is Darkest Hour. They totally F-ed the Recruit expansion with EVERY recruiting card seeing play and most of them being broken, so what do they do? They basically give Wild warlocks a recruit-gateway to hell.

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Delete fck* barns from this game

The rastakhan brawl when you played as warlock bloodbloom made it possible to use a spell that sacrifice several cards and the shrine summoned a random demon for each sacrificed card, game was over at turn two. Bloodbloom is the problem here it’s obvious and you are just defending it.

Bloodbloom = cast any spell for 2 mana

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The problem is:

  1. Maintain the mana cheating essence of the card.

Sorry but it not matters personal taste of people here. We are speaking of a mana cheating spell for warlock so even if we change would still being a mana cheating card.

2.We really want to destroy enabler cards in a mode that is eternal?

It will do nothing in the long term except disable archtypes that could be here creating more variety.

That said i not against change but i wanna hear from people a solution that actually makes stuff work in a less absurd way and not just people wanting concepts to get deleted because they are angry.

Darkest hour has design problems and should be understood as said and not as a monster deck that never loses.

Only design can fix design.

That said i personally did come with 2 ideas for darkest hour that makes the deck continue to be functional but reduce the overall combo power.

6 mana
Destroy all ally minions and draw a card for each minion that dies. Summon from your hand all minions you draw this way.

6 mana

Destroy all ally minions and summon a random minion dor every minion you destroyed.

Those aim to fix darkest hour putting more randoness at it.

Version 1 still have the deckbuild aspect but punish players for chase for that combo agressively because you need space in your hand.

Version 2 just remove the deckbuild aspect so we not face OTK’s and nerubian unraveler shenanigans every time.

I’d personally just cap Bloodbloom itself into something like:
2-mana (or maybe even buff to 1-mana)
Your next spell up to (5) (keeps Cataclysm and Demonheart) costs health instead of mana


Not a bad start but we can probably do better than just not let people cheat the spells they want.

Bloodbloom never worked well before not because it was bad.
But because warlock never had spells that generate big tempo swings by themselves.

Also risk and reward is a warlock thing.

Maybe we could double bloodbloom life to mana proportion to fit the fact that you can use it in agressive playstyles now and break that allow people to actually play a all or nothing playstyle?

1 mana spell = 2 health
6 mana spell = 12 health
8 mana spell = 16 health

Maybe we are focusing to much on not let it happen instead of let it have a weakness.

Limiting Barnes in a similar manner would fix it, too.
BB into Darkest Hour is extremely dumb, though.
Sure. It is a highroll.
But this insta-win highroll vs every class/deck, unless it happens later in the game (and you highroll yourself/have a very specific card) sounds like something that requires a more severe change.
The doubling of the health-cost sounds interesting, but would probably not change much. At least in its ability to highroll unlike any other deck.

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The sad truth is that it really isn’t even that. Compared to what the deck is capable of, the whole thing is WAAAAAY too consistent. I have personally never really seen this deck fail (latest was turn 6/7).
Yes, the combo takes 3 cards but let’s be realistic here
a) one of the cards you need (that summons 1/1s) has huge variety to choose from in Wild and every version is run by this deck
b) Neither Bloodbloom nor Darkest Hour are legendary spells so their cap is at 2 which makes the whole thing way too consistent
(and last but not least)
c) even if their big turn happens later on, it’s still WAAAAAY beyond any other mana cheating in the game. Looking at what the combo pulls from your deck, the result is imo vastly superior to Naga Sea Witch-Giants

Its still a highroll.
Also: Read the last sentence.
There are tonnes of highrolls, like a 10/10 Edwin turn 3, or just getting exactly what you need to tip the game in your favour, early on.
This is beyond what can be considered even remotely healthy for the game, though.


People like you makes me feel sad sometimes because every time something to shift wild metagame happens they just enter in whine mode and go to the foruns.

Darkest hour with nerubian unraveler isn’t a easy situation to survive but is far from a impossible one.
Instead of try to clear the board make sure you survive by using cards like MC tech, freeze effects and whatever you find usefull.

That because when that board finally get beat they will have little to no gas to continue the match and lose on the spot.

If your deck just relies on board clear spells then just need to understand that control isn’t entitled to have a single card answer to any board.

That said i still think that darkest hour decks needs a nerf. I just not think that it should not be possible to cheat those minions out.

That because i learned to play the deck instead of pass the time on foruns whining about it and i know that most people not even know how to play it properly.

If i was a blizzard dev i would just nerf bloodbloom to 4 and call it a day of work.
That because it would force the deck to actually land the tokens on board for a turn before kill they and stop the real highroll of the deck that is have y’sharj or big bad archmage on board at turn 2 via bloodbloom.

That is what is almost impossible to beat to the point that i’m did never see someone doing.

That would make it stop to be used as a combo win con and make people actually play said summoner warlock archtype if they want to use darkest hour.

At the very least you need to consume the minion from your graveyard. This is common in a lot of card games.


That’s the problem here in this topic though.

There will always be that powerful deck at the top.

Yet some people, entitled and all, cannot see that for all the time they’ve played wild.

You’ll have to think harder then. You’re the one stuck in the beginning, after all.

Here were some solutions, but it’s not good enough to beat your imaginary perfect opponent.

Again, you dont even understand the issue. The decks being discussed are not even the top decks in the format, they are the ones with power turns that happen too early, too consistently, for even the vast array of cards in wild to deal with at a respectable level. Hence, broken interactions which need to be addressed.


You play paper against scissors. What do you expect? Scissors will only win early and consistently, if you consistently play paper against it. Interactions aren’t broken if they do what they’re intended to do.

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Broken interactions are broken, You are yet to show that having boards that Hourlock can develop as early as they are is fine for the format.

Thankfully the devs have a larger mental capacity and are at least monitoring it. Until such a time that action is taken I will continue to post my feedback on it. Oh, and most of your counters dont even work, you are more likely to be spell locked even if you have those specific cards in hand.

But, hey, you dont even know when playing a card is a tempo loss :man_shrugging: