BALANCE WILD! This is beyond lazy!

I “complain” when decks or cards perform far above the WILD average standards, yes.

I am frustrated with you derailing threads related to wild, so stop it already. I dont want your irrelevant suggestion. playing standard doesnt fix wild, providing feedback might. So let me do so, or be constructive. You have done neither, thats trolling!


That’s how a deck wins. It’s part of the game. Breaking even is just stalemating.

You really are pushing it now, reported for trolling. having over 50 stats on board on T4/5 while also locking out any potential counter is completely busted regardless of format.


That’s just the best outcome possible. It is frustrating but not frequent. All decks have their most busted moments. That’s exactly what wild is for.

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So then, please enlighten me what counter you see fit on a board full of big stuff + spells costing 2 more on turn 4/5/6 :slight_smile:

I’d bet money that you play those decks yourself.
This “outcome” is much more frequent than it has any right to. Most of the time playing against this deck, the board was set on turn 5 (especially warlocks can redraw now for 2 mana).

Whoever plays those decks, it’s definitely as frequent as those who hate it claim it to be. That’s confirmation bias.

You can try prep+vanish, bloodbloom+twisting, cataclysm, freeze+doomsayer, equality+pyromancer, devolve, etc.

But as a wild player, I’m sure you can figure out other ways to beat it. You have all the card sets to get solutions from.

Generally, for huge minions, you have to think of the match as a single player mode boss fight. You have to plan for recovery as well.

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Actually you can’t do those things because Nerubian Unraveler raises the cost of all AOE spells.

You really show your lack of understanding of this combo when you suggest Spell based AOE.


And then what? You have no deck, no hand, enemy minions are immune to spells and Loatheb was played last turn?

You really show your lack of understanding when you’re pitting the worst possible outcome of one deck against the best possible outcome of another.

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I figure they could do rolling black-outs of certain card sets in wild each week. Remove 3-4 card sets from the mix and it would force new ideas. No deck would reign supreme for more than a week or two without needing some edits.

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is this what wild players say or did blizzard say its going to be a serious bracket?

Blizzard has hosted Wild tournaments and has balanced cards just for Wild in the past. That shows, to some degree, that the format is looked after. Again, no where near similar to Standard’s level of attention and that is understandable but it does receive some monitoring if the past is any indication.


welcome to card games
that not a problem
there will always be a meta

You can burn they down before they do.

You can mill their deck so they draw to much minions to actually create insane board states or if you’re lucky even mill combo pieces.

You can create your own insane big board before they have time to do.

You can even stall they some turns with tricks like MC tech + cards that give taunt to minions so you gain time to find a solution and use more expensive clears.

The counter is stop to wait for that board to happen and actually run your gameplan that not even need to be aggro to actually do something.

Wild is a faster format than standard.If you’re doing nothing but answer your opponent until turn 45 your deck just sucks and has no place.

I feel bad for priests. In the future they will have so many cards nerfed becsuse everyone chooses to play the same broken deck.

From limited playing as and against it the only deck right now I can see doing that consistently is Mage. It is running a Control Warlock shell for the early game (+some) and that shell has proven to be somewhat good at keeping aggro in check until the midgame where Warlock has a lack of great removal tools.

Valid strategy against the deck for certain

Not a great way to attack the deck from what I’ve seen. It can either go more OTK route or try to go making the AoE a lot more expensive +2 to +4. MC Tech is certainly something I am looking at as a tech option but if it becomes common I think it just moves the OTK version ahead of the spell/defensive version and doesn’t change a ton overall tbh

Hourlock gets online quickly so it isn’t about being innactive. You have to have a gameplan that can go over the top of the board (spells) or maybe be Druid as your AoE will usually still work. Just my observation form playing and playing against the deck. This isn’t “Control QQ because it can’t relax” even Aggressive Midrange cannot get their damage online quick enough.


I’d be down to see a revamped graveyard system.

Shenanigans like big priest dont exist in MTG because they don’t make sense. In MTG there are plenty of res mechanics, but if one creature dies and goes to the graveyard, there is only ONE PHYSICAL COPY to be ressurrected.

Whereas due to lazy coding, in hearthstone you can summon a COPY of a card- not evej the card itself! - allow it to die, and then res it X number of times.

In MTG, when a copy(token) dies, it leaves the game forever.

I’m not saying i want hearthatone to become a carbon copy of MTG. i don’t. But the graveyard manipulation is the result of coding laziness, not intentionsl design. You find the same laziness in discolock, where if you discard ONE card- clutchnother- three times, then cast soulwarden, youll get three clutchmothers back. Of course, that’s not abusable, really, so it doesn’t matter.

TL;DR graveyard system needs a revamp.

Oh, and recruit can go too.


Maybe but Barnes is the Card that can instantly win on the spot when played on curve. Oh look another Barnes hitting that Statue against my deck that isn’t a class that has transforms and sap or another Barnes that Hit Y’saarj and I’m not Rogue so I can’t Prep Vanish guess I should just concede every time I roll Priest as my Matchup unless I’m Mill Rogue.

Barnes is a problem because It high rolls you into an instant win with very few answers in only a few classes even after we had years of expansions adding to the card pool.

Sorry but are you even playing the same game?

  • Prep and Vanish is possible and then you have to deal with all those minions they still have in hand. This only delays the inevitable.
  • Bloodbloom and Twisting? Are you insane? :smiley: What deck would seriously run that? Also: You take 10 damage at least (since Twisting costs 10 because of Nerubian)
  • Freeze costs 5 (with Nerubian)+ Doomsayer makes 7 - I saw the combo as early as turn 4/5. Also: They might have Ragnaros and their entire turn to do something against Doomsayer
  • Equality? Eventhough this might be a combination that a normal deck would actually run, it’s only playable turn 6 and if they pull Nerubian, the cost is also at 8
  • Devolve does NOTHING. It makes your fate better but they still have 4-5 7-8 mana minions
  • Cataclysm? I hope you’re seriously joking? How do you ever expect to comeback after throwing your hand away?

I’m really sorry to say it but your “solutions” just show how seriously overpowered this deck is and that you (most likely) only defend it because you play the deck yourself.
Aside from Prep/Vanish and Pyromancer and Equality nothing is even close to realistic and most likely impossible thanks to Nerubian.


Prep Vanish isn’t that practical as Prep is +2 to +4 so it does nothing really.

The only reliable AoE I’ve figured out that can hit early enough is Poison Seeds from Druid. 4-mana normally and it makes the board a lot less threatening. Since, for now, the deck doesn’t run Gul’Dan one counter turn should be enough for Druid in general.

Also, the deck has the ‘OTK-ish’ variant which it could swap to that is more highroll but has better reason to run Gul’Dan

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Blizzard! Balance Wild now or I will spoil Avengers Endgame :v