BALANCE WILD! This is beyond lazy!

Fact is wild isn’t the problem. It’s just the player experience. If you don’t like the experience there, go somewhere else.

“Balancing” wild as you want would just have the next worst experience pop out even more. Or it would ruin the experience for those that were nerfed.

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Wild does have balance issues, just like standard. You couldnt be more wrong in your assessment.

Playing standard will not fix the issues within wild, so stop suggesting it. Its not a solution, period. Hourlock and BP will still be problems in wild whether I am playing the format or not, so as you have nothing constructive to add to the discussion (again) allow those of us who actually play the format to discuss the few issues we have with it.

Thanks, troll.


Devs!! /this thread!
For-real anyone want to add in / totally correct my opinion on wild I’ve stated couple times recently.

2019 WIld is:
Play Aggro: (that’s fine, Aggro’s always going to be there, it’s a non-issue)
Play Mana-Cheat-In-The-Midgame: Bloomlock, WBP
Play Combo-Control: Many decks here, Mill-Rogue for-example.

That’s it yo.

Why don’t typical “grind” control decks work?
Mana-Cheat bursts them down, Combo-control destroys them, and…Aggro has that 50/50 let’s say?

Why don’t anti-aggro decks like taunt-whirlwind-forever Warrior work?
Mana-Cheat bursts them down, Combo-control destroys hard.

Why don’t “midrange” decks get-sunlight?
Mana-cheat early is the new “Midrange”.

Basically if your “midrange creation” doesn’t cheat out 10-50 mana on turn 4,5,6 you’re toast. Right?

Personally, I don’t think Aggro is the issue whatsoever.
Who cares, Aggro is always-super-good, and there’s 9 minimum aggro-decks in the game that are all different-styles and speeds and…strengths.

So can any Mill Rogue experts out there who happen to see my pathetic and desperate-post about Wild chime in?

1 - How does Mill-Rogue fare vs Bloomlock when Bloom hits it’s 3-card winny?
2 - How does Mill-Rogue fare vs Bloomlock when Bloom misses it’s 3-card winny and is then going no-burst and Voidcaller-path?
3 - How does Mill-Rogue fare vs Wild Big Priest when it hits either Vargoth or Barnes on 4? How about Essence on 5 (no-barnes)?

Is there some other combo-control deck out there that does well vs Bloomlock (when it hits) or Wild Big Priest?

These (at least to me) are like super important questions.
Because Bloom/WBP are oh my gosh like 50 percent of your matches minimum. It’s really sad.

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You play where the experience is different. That’s another reason why standard and wild were separated in the first place. Doing your solution will just repeat the same problem, except this time those that got nerfed will be complaining.

You can keep on playing the format and still not see what the problems are.

Here’s the solution that worked but you who play the format aren’t doing. Wild isn’t getting “balanced” sooner because you aren’t crying a big enough river (like those who cried about bakugenn remaining in this year’s standard) to make blizzard take action.

Putting a bucket under a dripping tap doesnt stop the tap from dripping.

You are suggesting to use the bucket, I am saying to replace the washer.

We are still entitled to discuss it without you offering irrelevant “solutions” to our problems, so let us do it in peace.


This is exactly how your idea will go just by mentioning it.

Beggars can’t be choosers. Entitled or not.

So, yet again, you have nothing constructive to add to the discussion (aka trolling). Until the problem decks in wild are addressed, we are going to continue discussing them. Your trolling comments wont stop that, so you may as well keep them to yourself.


Since the Hearthstone team has shown a willingness to balance Wild when there are issues than the Wild playerbase is entitled to offering suggestions.

I don’t think we, the Wild players, should expect the same amount of fine tweaking but offering suggestions is fine.

It isn’t that Bowser or I hate Wild, it is just that we think it could be better so offering suggestions. If Blizzard wanted to fully adapt your stance as their stance then I can go take my $ to Magic… as I kind of already did for RoS.

Marketing 101: Your customer isn’t always right but also don’t ignore them completely :wink:


Neither have you. All you’ve suggested will just repeat the same problem.

I have actually, in many threads on the state of wild. You, on the other hand, resort to “play standard” as your default response. Again, that does not fix the issues with wild, its not even relevant to the discussion. We are not looking for options, we are discussing the state of the format and what coud be done to improve it.

Like, for example, the most frequently suggested change to Barnes - BC: Summon a 1/1 ACTOR that copies the text of a random minion in your deck.

Or, if you want a new one, change Barnes’s effect to a DR instead of a BC.

BOOM constructive suggestion to at least slow BP down a bit, targeting the most broken card in the deck.


The problem is that this thread is a troll thread.

You have to believe the premise that the vast majority of Wild players are playing Barnes and Darkest hour to the point that in casual and Ranks 19-15 you play against those more than all others combined.

You have great ideas, but please consider calling out the trolls and not giving them an ounce of leeway.

cant believe people are answering to redspade …someone who says to people discussing wild " play standard " is clearly trolling


Cuz Standard has space for not-meta, not-vsreport, not-hsreplayfront page decks right?

Whoevs Redspade is…he/she must not-understand what not-meta is.

Wild is the only legit-possible place to build a deck-core that is not on the front page of meta.

That’s exactly why myself and so many others play it.
Problem is, what this thread is about, is the box-out decks in wild box out anything not-meta.

But if they’d balance wild as opposed to creating some unneeded 3rd format, that non-meta space grows from 0 - something.

So that’s exactly why wild should have attention.
What’s the argument to leave-wild as is untouchable-face?
Ummm….so returning players can play their old decks without touching them?
Like that’s it.
So returning players who break from the game are prio-1 instead of…everyone who isn’t on-break?

The whole “returning players” argument / consideration should be prio-2…it noway should be prio-1 or a number-1 reason for keeping something detrimental to the game around…like wild-neglect.

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Wild is fine, you just sound bad. Blizzard isnt giving cards an decks special treatment. Everyone knows Big Priest is fun! An blizzard said our game experience is supposed to be fun.

You didnt play around turn 4 Barnes? Learn to mulligan kid, first grade stuff. Hourlock? umm hello? Just play counterspell moron.

These decks take skill to play. Seriously I outplay you everytime when you try an play taunts or value cards an I just drop 2 mana an devolve your dumb taunts or DR minions.

All these cards an mechanics are beyond fine. People that actually play the format dont know what theyre talking about. Blizzard has DATA. THESE DECKS ARNT EVEN GOOD LOL. BLIZZARD SAID SO!

Thats why they dont get nerfed. They’re fun to play agaisnt an suck. TONS of cards stop decks like Big Priest, Hourlock, etc. Maybe you just dont understand how hard it is to play such decks. I mean if I dont get Barnes in my opening hand I have to spend my turns hero powering…an like, playing Shadow Visions for boardclears or Essence. A 6 mana 5/5 Y’Shaarj is like trash dude… 100’s of removal options are able to get rid of him.

Its annoying to have to spend 4 mana to resummon him. Lucky we have a card that can do it for 2 mana though. Thats what a good an fair version looks like.

Tl;dr people who play wild are morons who cant accept whats fair an fun to play agaisnt /rollseyes

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Yeah, nerf the worst meta deck. Poof! Out comes the next worst meta deck in line. A deck was taken down only to be substituted by the next. Problem remains.

Give a suggestion. Suggestion not conforming to yours equals trolling. Great logic guys. No wonder all you do is complain.

Unless the suggestion perfectly conforms to your own personal taste or pampers your ego, it’s worthless.

And that is why you will always be frustrated in wild.

is wild even something serious?

isnt it just here so players dont cry about losing cards they payed for while keeping the game ‘fresh’ in standart?

No, it doesnt. There are very few wild players who complain about everything, that is a fact. The majority only stand together when really busted decks arise. You really dont even know what you are talking about, troll. If you honestly blieve what youre saying then you have no clue. For years the wild community (in general) has only spoken on the really broken. Thats fact.

Kindly stop. You really are trolling at this point. The wild community isnt like the standard community. Excluding a few outliers, we only speak up when there are issues that need to be addressed. And calling Boreas a whiner??? That just shows your lack of knowledge.

You are either trolling or 100% clueless. Whichever it be, you really need to back off as you are NOT being constructive to the discussion, and thats trolling using Blizzards definition of the term.

Given the tag you chose, its pretty obvious youre only here to troll. Fine, just dont do it in threads discussing wild.


Yes, it is.

no, it isnt.


You play in the wild mode. Wild things happen as expected, and then you complain. You’re trolling yourself at that point. You’re frustrated about it and cannot take suggestions other than your own. That’s what not knowing what you’re talking about is.