BALANCE WILD! This is beyond lazy!

Alright, have fun in Standard :wink:

All card games with a long lifespan eventually adopt formats and eventually have balanced the older format because of new interactions. So this shouldn’t come as a shock :joy:


I hear you but their actions have not supported this. In addition to those nerfs I listed above it was also stated in the nerfs to Raza and Patches that their nerfs were done specifically to prevent them from being what they were in Wild.

Not only do their actions contradict this but the reality does as well. New decks are in Wild that were never in Standard so it doesn’t freeze decks in a stasis so the idea seems flawed from the start imho.


Needs a colonoscopy?

zero counter?

Sorry but counter isn’t play card X after combo.

A good part of “counterplay” is about prevent stuff to happen and about understand your position at the match.

So there is “counterplay”. Just not the counterplay you want to exist that is a way to win after that stuff happens.

And since you want to come here and discuss the whole philosofy of wild atleast not lie while doing because unlike you think there is a ton of people who like wild by what it is exactly now.

Because if that it not matters what you think about how wild should be. What matters is that people who like it really like it.

Wanna a mode with olders cards and other vision about the game?

Go speak it to blizzard and pressure they to make it happen. Wild is the house of a ton of players like me and you can’t force your way of think upon us.

They are indeed inconsistent on this matter.

It’s possible that they have changed their vision few months later they nerfed Razakus/Patches. That with combination of Dean’s answer sure revealed Blizzard’s uncertainty about Wild’s long-term plan…

If we look at how Big Priest is terrorizing Wild even now, I can’t make a conclusion other than that they refuse to balancing Wild. Nerfing Razakus and even Patches might been a mistake if they can be re-evaluated.

And which nostalgia decks can I play if they can’t be played at all thanks to mana cheating bs? Either play the most aggresive decks or play Mill decks to annoy tfo combo decks.

They should unnerf Patron Warrior, Pirate Warrior and Face Hunter if they aim to keep broken things in wild.


Wild isn’t mammoth or kraken while you can play decks of the past on it that isn’t the purpose of a eternal format that keeps getting new cards.

Wild is wild. The decks will continue to get more and more powerfull.

That is why is called wild mode and not nostalgic mode.

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Hourlock got too fast and im guessing it gonna get nagalock and stardruid treatment.

About big priest, i guess blizz gonna be move somehow. just for barnes tho.

They might gonna release more transforming effect to counteract rez mechanic. It kinda impossible to nerf all rez spell.

I think most nostalgia decks lose not only to Big Priest / Mana cheating, but also to Odd Paladin and Aggro Mech Hunter. So wild is made for Nostalgia decks, just not necessarily winning with it.

It’s oke for lots of players to lose to Odd Paladin, but not to Big Priest. And again, according to the developer he’s saying Wild is the mode where you can play decks of the past. He is not saying those decks can’t be surpassed by new decks. It is what it is with … Wild :nauseated_face:

I think, in general, since Priest’s identity appears to be Resurrect now (which I am cool with by the way) that the team should revisit the entire Graveyard mechanic. Most (I can’t say all) CCGs which allow for Graveyard to be a resource for someone tend to eventually make ways to interact with the opponent’s graveyard as a counteract.

I hope we don’t see a ton of transformations as that could be old BGH level hate towards large creatures =(


Yeah. This is a problem. Even when it changed to a 5/5 still considered an efficient removal. Tho, devolve somehow works well. Might be good to transforming based on cost?

This seems really unusual. I’ve played from R10-R5 from yesterday evening to today, and have played against a pretty good variety of decks. I’ve seen pirate warrior, pirate Kingsbane rogue, big priest, darkest hour warlock, zoo lock, odd paladin, and even shaman that I can remember. I’ve personally been playing a home-brewed Secret Paladin, which has been able to climb without an exceptional amount of difficulty.

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Exactly, while I believe that wild is important to blizzard. Standard is the reason the game makes any money. So of course standard is the highest priority

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Agree, I don’t think most of us (primarily) Wild players expect the same level of support but I think patience is growing thin with Big Priest to a degree (and really just Barnes tbh) and I think Hourlock is causing concern because it feels like it is very close to broken if not already there once it gets refined a bit more.



I just played 4 games in Casual:

  1. Pirate Rogue
  2. Shudderwock Shaman
  3. Zoo Warlock
  4. Casino Quest Mage

Play standard. Problem solved.

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Trolling again, I see. Playing standard doesnt fix the issues with wild, so stop with your stupidity already.


6 games is far too small of a sample size to tell anything. According to VS the distribution of classes in Wild is no worse than in Standard. Warlock is actually played less than Paladin and Shaman.

If you don’t like something, don’t do it. Stupidity is doing what you don’t like and expecting you’ll enjoy it.
It’s not trolling if a possible solution is being presented.

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Or, provide feedback to get the problem actually solved. Fact is playing standard doesnt fix wild, does it?