Balance team doesn't do their work well

I don’t want to sound offensive, but I strongly suggest Blizzard to use some AI instead of them. I have a strong feeling, it would do better rather than these MANA up|down patches


I think they should just do a poll for changes, I mean we the players play the game, let we the players decide what can be balanced, and how. Every month do a poll what can be changed and what those changes can be. Then review the changes, make sure it’s all good and the players weren’t trolling, and implement the changes that we the players believe will create a better game and experience. Of course this will never happen because legal and refunds and money and democracy is bad and we think we do but we don’t and whatever else. But yeah that is what I would implement if I were in charge

If the players knew anything about making fun games then game design wouldn’t even be an occupation.

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have you seen the amount of bad suggestions people make ???

removing HL weakness to plagues/shuffling duplicates into decks …was a popular player suggestio posted several times with many upvotes for years

im enjoy it right now but im still not sure it ws a good idea…


Who else to describe the key ingredients than someone who “knows about making fun games”

“Making a game?”


“You make them… f-fun?”


“I-im from MS/Bluzzard/Vision w-we need you…”

Blizzard’s developers “qualifications” are their daddy’s money and connections giving them the job right after college.

It’s hilarious how I point at people in general being stupid and the responses I get back are “this company is stupid.” Maybe they are, but that doesn’t make the average gamer any better at game design. Gamers do not know anything about making fun games, period. Your suggestions are all garbage. And if Blizzard can’t fix it then that’s a real problem because the community certainly can’t.

Blizzard’s developers aren’t incompetent. They are children.
They’re too preoccupied with their personal lives to focus on delivering a quality product. Their self-absorption prevents them from contributing anything of value to a well-crafted game like Hearthstone.

What we have is a case of children scribbling over a masterpiece.

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Yep, I’m probably one of those who “make bad suggestions” but if 80% agree with a “bad suggestion” is it really that bad? Also that’s why I said “review the changes and make sure the players weren’t trolling” because you’re right that some people just want to watch the world burn


Watch this from where I have it start, to about 10:30, exactly 4 minutes:

Players have absolutely no idea what they want. None. Zero. They know what they liked, they know what they didn’t like, and that feedback is important. But it’s entirely past tense. As soon as you start talking about the future, dealing with experiences that are not remembered but imagined, no amount of asking players about what makes a great game will do a developer any good. Feedback, again, is good. Suggestions are utterly worthless.

And a huge part of your own self awareness is understanding that the dream you want to see made real, it might not actually taste as good as you imagine once you actually get there.

You gotta read my stuff before posting scrotul

I did read it. You were casually hand waving away the actual truth that “we think we do but we don’t.” Which is very clearly what I was disagreeing with.

As you read it, you gotta comprehend it. Otherwise reading it is useless. Despite knowing better, I still believe in you

What you think an actual human would nerf one problem card and one card that caused nobody problems every patch? We been on AI generated updates ever since Sunken City’s miniset! (Which, interestingly was around the time Diablo Immoral was released) Surely no real human would ADD a bug back that’s been removed 8 different times like “Coins skins not showing if favorited”

A game should be fun above everything else and an AI would have zero concept of what is fun.

I dont have anything personal against them but I do agree their philosophy is just unhealthy for the game. The game sucks for too many months now. It would be the best time to see new guys on the team with a different kind of design philosophy.

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