Q Pirate control Warrior was/is the best deck accoding to VS in highlegend… and there should currently be less Mages after the mini-set.
Even without Mages, it will be hard for control Priest (apotheosis nerf still hurts a lot) and co to get into tier 2.
Oh btw, now it’s time to take TICKATUS out of your dusty storage.
Mr Smite is broken iff you get it summoned it via Quest reward… It’s good even if it isn’t in the deck.
Class winrates are misleading. Aggro warrior and big warrior are probably dragging down the winrates.
A questline reward => totally deserved nerf, wish it was a ban. But really now? You nerf Questline Mage before Questline Warrior and Hunter? I am not gonna start playing again until this insanely overpowered decks don’t get nerfed to oblivion.
I am totally glad to see this nerf, wish the bear would of get a nerf too even if it’s not that strong. That op of a card won’t let the game ever get over turn 7-8 even if the questlines dissapear. This whole expansion was a “which solitaire deck manage to finish the game faster is the winner”.
Uh… ok, sure. Renew deserved a totally different type of nerf back then, I suppose with how overpowered the solitaire playstyles are today reverted renew is normal. Anyway it won’t help priest that much, maybe with the new cards incoming.
Still tho, did you guys see that they plan to do something with wild in the close future? PLEASE ban questline warrior and questline hunter and let me play again without 9 of 10 games being solitaire fast-combo.
You work around the clock to patch and Balance the garbage mercenaries mode, but when it comes to the main game, you only balance 3 cards, while questline warrior and taunt druid is running rampant
When even Roffle is saying “this is copmplet BS” you know something is wrong. He has been the take it on your chin guy for wild for many years now, and even he has had enough of it.
Give it time, these were significant nerfs that will activate a cascade effect in unpredictable ways. Who knows, we might see mage even better positioned than before!
it´s not terribly hard to foresee paladin and warrior dominating yet again, maybe warlock has a comeback when solitaire decks die out that are faster.
as for other mage deck rising they´d need more (lategame) value to compete with warrior/paladin or they will just get outhealed while they have tempo and drop dead later on. The payoff cards for mage are just really not great atm (mordresh had to be massively buffed to 8mana and HP mage still does nothing if he does not have the miracle curve of activating mordresh and playing it on 8 exactly and antonidas is far to restricting on deck building for the mediocre effect he has).
Druid nerf is extremely minor given the power of the deck.
The hit to mage is actually a much bigger buff for taunt druid compared this tiny pat on the back.
So I expect taunt druid to now dominate unchallenged.
Q warrior is one of the few “meta decks” that can take advantage of the nerf to 2 health for druid. So I do expect that matchup to get a tiny bit better for warrior.
With druid and warrior in meta I expect paladin to try to counter.
the mage nerf is an even bigger buff to control warrior in all shapes and forms, which will happily farm the druids.
I´d bet on aggro Druid going down to Tier 2 within 1-2weeks as they lack the from hand burst to close out games.