Balance Patch Next Week

One of the main reasons Face Hunter performs so well at that level of play, is that it has a great matchup against Garrote Rogue (and Quest Mage, but there isn’t a lot of Quest Mage at T1KL to begin with). Face Hunter also has an atrocious matchup (literally 20% winrate) against Fel Demon Hunter, which as I noted is technically the top performing deck right now in that meta even if it is criminally underplayed as the official Hard Counter to Hunter. I think it’s reasonable to assume, or at least suspect, that Face Hunter will eventually be balanced out without the need for nerfs.

I get that a lot of that is trying to predict future meta, which isn’t an exact science, and I can easily see myself agreeing with you a couple weeks from now. But I think waiting and seeing on Hunter is the right call for now.

I actually don’t think there was evidence in game results at high ranks to nerf Warrior.

Gallon put out a couple tweets laying out their reasoning for the changes:



Does not fix the problem with Mage right now. It needs more viable deck builds.

Won’t slow this deck down.


Hoping for something more along the lines of an Ignite nerf than a Questline nerf.

Would like to see something with regards to Mercenaries. The mode needs a lot of help. Any player, within ~2 weeks, can clear all of its content and have zero reason to log on. It won’t survive long as is. The random change to using character classes in Mercs, rather than races, meant 4/5 of the new mercs don’t get used by me. Pirate has nothing going for it.

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Wow, great balamce patch. Reading between the lines it seems like they realize a lack of control was a real issue. This could give slower decks the breathing room they need to stabalize and heal/armor through the aggro or from hand shenanigans. Could temper quest warrior, too My only worry is that it lets tickatus or quest warlock breathe life which would bottleneck control all over again. That renew change was long overdue, at least.


While the class needs it now, boy am I not looking forward to Wansmaker->Renew->perfect answer being a thing again.


But Juggernaut → Gorehowl → Mr. Smite is fine, right?

I’ve played a lot of priest, and people tend to grossly overestimate the odds of getting a ‘perfect’ answer from Discover.

Venomous Scorpid costs the same amount of mana, has a better body, and doesn’t have to hit correct 1 cost spell to start the chain. And it’s Neutral, so everyone can play the magical answer game!


They are calling the nerf to Garrote a “fairly soft nerf” LMAO.

In my book it just got nuked from orbit , what are they smoking lol.


Yeah watch out, 1 mana draw 4, 2 mana deal 9 is f tier in stormwind.

3 mana 2/2 + heal 3 and discover a card. Just… Imagine the horror of healing 3 hp for 3 mana. It might have been good in barrens, but stormwind priest is /was like a 36% winrate class when it was trying to make quest priest, a quest that literally wins the game on turn 10, had a like whopping 36% wr.

I think even if healing for 3 mana is just small value or not, you have druids playing 0 mana 2/3 + 2/3 + 2/3 + turn 3 4/6 infinite greyboughs.

The priest is just gonna heal their face for like 3 health or take another juggernaut or dr smite hit for maybe a turn or two and then die anyways.

People are forgetting the part where Pre stormwind levels vs Post stormwind power levels are fighting at play here. Pirate warrior literally gets 3 armor a turn from a 3 mana 2/4 and all it gets to think about is “Woot, 26 hp, 20 armor. I’m set! Wait… Oh god, it’s gone already. Gee… all that 20 armor sure disappeared pretty quickly. 30 hp sure seems so small now, 50 hp doesn’t even feel like much more now when damage is so fast.”

Course Pirate warrior is just what i consider a evolution of a aggro deck that just wants to hit face that just so happens to generate midrange value by playing aggressive statted minions and anything with a pirate tag.

I have one, but it does not scratch the board control itch at all. it just feels like a fat aggro deck that just so happens to kill the opponent while gaining armor. Not that there’s anything bad about it, i just don’t get the people who think the game is supposed to be all about snoring your opponent to sleep when having Razakus Anduin ping fests vs Control locks and Reno mages and dragonqueen alexstraza brawlfests and Jades and Malfurions and Avaina Kun druids in the mix.

I don’t get why people have to think a control deck has to only snore people to death and hit face. Maybe standard decks sucked more. i just remember Wild control usually had lots of powerful iconic moments, you could actually play a 8 mana Anduin or a Malfurion just to gain the like 5 armor and you didn’t just instantly explode to 50 hand damage having your 8 mana card do nothing… While people declare 8 mana cards used to hit face like Illidari inquistor and Troublemaker ‘control’ cards… At least to me from wild.

Like yeah… they’re 8 mana. But they’re just basically dr booms with Charge lockers for face. I know everyone has their own definitions, but i always thought control was meant to be about… Fighting for board, and reno control decks could just have so many recovery options. It just baffles me that damage has gone up, but healing has never gone up. There could so easily be a mechanic like Overhealing: Which could let healing go up to like +5 on a creature, +10 hp on face, which could create healing cards to make efficient trades and trigger healing synergies like armor while still having all the fun interactions. But for some reason, people would rather flip out and froth at the mouth for a priest healing a mob +2 hp to make a trade, and using it’s attack to trade…

But dont’ have any problems with a 1 mana card just doing 5 damage twinspell and destroying their minion for free in a quest mage which is one of the less frusterating experiences of the matchup when the following rest is wanting to know if there’s a rank they disappear at and trying to climb just to get away from them, only to realize they were still there like cockroaches since they often countered the top decks. (Handlock / Quest shaman. → Aggro taunt druid, etc. )

The renew unnerf will definitely help, but i think people are really overthinking a card that was just decent small cycling healing. A Taunt druid’s 2 mana Razorback 2/3 + 0 mana 2/3 Bonechewer boar + 0 mana x 2 2/3 mule + 2/3 mule is a easy 4/6 → 8/12 boards worth of stats for 2 mana followed by a 3 mana 4/6 greybough that can easily revive 2-4x against board based decks for 8/12 → 20/30 worth of taunt zombie stats for 3 mana.

I don’t think people are gonna die if a priest plays 3 mana to heal for 3 on turn 3 and play a 2/2. It’s not very high tempo in a stormwind meta when 20/30 worth of greybough for 3 mana doesn’t even trigger people’s eyes much anymore. But im sure priest spending 3 mana to play a 2/2 and heal 3 will trigger someone.


IDK, reading the nerf it sounds like it got nerfed to oblivion, but then I realize that many times I lose to Garrote Rogue, they finish me with less than 4 drawn Garrotes. Sure its not a ridiculous 40 some damage OTK anymore, but its a lot of damage, usually enough to finish an opponent who at least took some damage throughout the game.

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Oh, no poor Mages. @Mallenroh Blizz is bullying a tier 3 deck again.

I’m so glad Blizzard doesn’t get balancing advice from the forums. Finally control decks can exist and aggro winrate will drop.


Lmao good one …


blame it on people complaining about mage way more than pirate

I mean, it’s 1 more spell damage for a 30 damage OTK, that’s not exactly an impossible ask, and against a lot of opponents they also took over the board and dealt damage with minions. Control Warriors struggling to armor out of range was frankly a ludicrous situation as well.

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Imagine not caring at all about the wild community and dealing with the HUGE issue of the interaction between Jerry Rig Carpenter and Hidden Oasis. Smh.

Good changes. Can finally Anchor and clear a Druid broad. lol Was obvious Renew needed to be 1. Weird nerf in the first place.

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Imagine not caring at all about the wild community and dealing with the HUGE issue of the interaction between Jerry Rig Carpenter and Hidden Oasis. Smh.

Sounds like I have more work to do

Already dealt with I think

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They put out a hotfix today to address the Hidden Oasis issue.



Mercenary players still have a 180 beasts killed task for Cookie and potentially soft lockable impossible to complete without jaina 200 Ice lance damage task for Varden that can only be slightly cheesed over 1-8 tedious hours waiting for a ice elemental to attack a merc to use a 3 turn cd dead ability to deal 10-20 damage that… Guess what… Is 2 speed faster than the ice shard’s 7 speed attack.

So one of the only real practical ways to complete it without going utterly insane over 4 hrs is to like set up xyrella with a 4 speed merc under 10 attack in protector or 7 attack in fighter. Unfortunately, all protectors are too slow, and all fighters with 4 speed will crit.

It’s literally possible to soft lock yourself out of a attempted fix for a basic rare merc if you just don’t go the generic rare coin farming route or literally spend like 3 turn encounters doing absolutely nothing just to suicide pact a merc for a measly 10 damage of 200 every 1/5 encounter while also hoping that the rest of the elementals don’t yeet themselves into your face to death locking the game when the ele instantly dies and ends before you can freeze.

Meanwhile, i think sneed Being craftable for 100 coins vs 300 coins got fixed pretty quickly alongside elemental.

Clearly, blizzard has the ability to do financial patches quickly XD, but i have no idea why tyrantus or dormant minions being unviewable when they worked before couldn’t just be done in a github revert… Unless the game isn’t backed up at all. Or is made up of spaghetti, idk.

Still i’ll take a couple good nerfs, these look good, but jerry rig should just be easily solvable by setting the split parts to have a mana cost when they normally weren’t obtainable outside of a pretty niche fat brann costed combo for a pretty otherwise bleh card.