While we don’t know the specifics so far, at least we know there will be a balance patch. Tomorrow February 4th. Only 3 cards will be changed. Nerfs for Fizzle and Shaffar. Buff for Void Ray.
What are your thoughts? Do you think other cards should have been buffed or nerfed? Do you agree with the buffed/nerfed cards? What do you think the buffs or nerfs will be exactly?
I think they will make the Snapshot once per game. I have no idea how they handle the other two. Also I don’t think a Void Ray buff will make Protoss playable. I would like to be wrong though.
Edit: Also the fact they didn’t adress Dungar Druid is wild.
No nerf for insane DK deathrattle abuse, and no buff for Terran Paladin… great patch…
They try to minimize dust given, because otherwise it wouldn’t P2W enough.
I don’t think DK is amongst the strongest classes right now. Or tier 1 for that mater. Druid, Hunter and Shaman are dominating the meta. Druid is also dominating for a very long time. I think it’s time to talk about Unkilliax. Also Weapon-Rogue is kinda popular, because you can farm Zerg-DK’s with it. Tough in higher ranks, where there are no Zerg-DK’s there are also no Weapon-Rogues.
You might be right but Terran Paladin is still horrible… it really needs buffs…
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True. Terran Paladin is the weakest archetype in the miniset. Blizzard probably won’t do anything about it. Paladin already has a playable archetype in Handbuff. They are only buffing Void Ray, because Priest has no good deck.
Yes, Handbuff is still play able but only until the rotation. To be honest… it is the only playable deck for Paladin now… everything else is killed by removers and OTK. They should act in time. I would like to use Terran Paladin but it seems impossible to make it work. I am glad I didn’t buy the 20 euro Raynor skin in the shop… they don’t deserve the money.
Honestly I literally forgot Demon Hunter existed 
DH is either forgotten or cried about when they have something viable. Either you have an aggro comp that ruins the fun or nothing at all.
No middle ground because the class just sucks and Blizzard has no intention in creating some control support for it.
The lamest that DK is allowed to parade around with Death Growl on 1 mana .
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