Back with another question

Just lost an arena run with an interaction that i dont understand, im pretty sure im reading the card correctly…

Star Vulpera says : Battlecry Destroy an enemy Starship or Starship piece

it does not do what the battlecry says, can anyone explain?

played it on turn 12


The card destroys a build starship or one of the pieces but not the dormant minion which has not been activated yet.

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ok so basically youre saying that the card doesnt do whats its written on it… one of the card texts has to changed correct?
i am pretty sure my reading skills are better than a 3 year old

There are plenty of cases where a card doesn’t do what is written on it, because it is countered/stopped/prevented by another card, effect, or basic game rule.

I cast Fireball on your minion. It had Divine Shield. But but but, my Fireball says deal six damage! It didn’t do what was written on it!!!

A Starship that is being constructed is similar to a dormant minion, and thus cannot be touched by most effects. It isn’t a minion at all, it’s just a placeholder until the ship is launched.

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well that was a lie

there was no starship on the board to destroy

The card does what is written on. You have to keep in mind how the rules of the game work. Dormant minions can’t be targeted or affected by most effects.

Imagine you have a minion with a battlecry which says: Destroy a pirate.

If your opponent made his pirate dormant then the battlecry has no effect even though the dormant minion is a pirate.

The same applies to starships.

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