Back to playing ONLY battlegrounds

It’s the same old same old class imbalances, and in your face BS, featuring favored classes who have strayed well beyond their WoW roots, like melee, who heaks and casts spells better than any caster or healer who came before them.

This is just not fun for me, not even BG’s, especially since now, no matter how smart I play in BG’s, they have it rigged so I am always the 3rd to be eliminated from the game.


I feel you, I haven’t played the regular hearthstone in a few years and just did unranked to see how much I remember. Not only did I lose, (which i was fine with losing). But the way I lost got to me the most, I lost after round 3 in a one turn kill and it was againest someone who was gold. While like i previously stated, I was unranked. Just a terrible game all around.


Thank you for comiserating with me!


I have resorted to simply logging on, doing whatever the daily quests are and logging off.


No they don’t. BGs aren’t in a great state, but it’s not rigged.

Wondering is this is why there was a round of Dev firings.

Battlegrounds isn’t much better anymore. Its basically turning into standard where the power level is so high that you know early on who is going to steamroll the lobby.

Totally agree. At this point im shocked after games they dont ask if you would like to leave a tip. The desperation of this company to bleed their customers dry of every penny they can is so apparent.

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Not rigged, but stochastic and to build up a good algorithm is someting else. It feels rigged, cause hearthstone has it’s own rules. This is for all, not for one person. In this case it is okay, cause we all lose and win with headache.

Why we often play after 2 rounds against the same person when no one is dead? Soccer etc. can handle it with 20 teams. Hearthstone is not able to do that with 8 “teams”? Is there a reason?