Azerite Snake is currently ruining this release for me

Even though this card is highly annoying, I just want to thank Melphina for the deck she made that is absolutely destroying nearly every deck in this meta, especially this stupid Warlock deck. I’m not at liberty to give out the deck list yet, I’ll leave that option up to her as I’m sure we’re going to enjoy getting super easy legend. Currently 23-3 with the deck. Not a deck that has ever been in the meta and likely a deck you haven’t seen.

Thanks Melphina! :heart: :heart: :heart: Without this, I’d be suffering this fighting against all the Warlock BS.

Give us the list or I will tell frogs in your area to stop eating bugs near you.

It steaks max health. You can’t heal above 20 after the first snake, and can’t heal above 10 after the second.

There’s no counterplay to this card.

You just have to win before it starts being played.

Don’t bother with slow win conditions while this deck exists, or make sure your slow deck can steal it.

Can you dirty rat it or is there something preventing that?

You can dirty rat it after it’s bounced. But they will for sure get 1 off.

Another thing is that it is bugged in wild with Amara (the card thought to counter it) Amara will set your health to 40 then immediately subtract 10 and give you 30 health max if 1 snake is played.

So even the counter play is lame

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There is counterplay, it’s called increasing your max health. With that said, they should change it from battlecry to end of turn effect so it can’t be cheesed with brewmasters. I have only seen one warlock deck so far after the expansion released though, and that game was over before he even got the first azerite snake due to him getting completely ridiculous start with both anubisaths and forge of wills. It’s just been almost all druids and demon hunters for me.

They obviously knew bouncing would be a thing with it and purposefully made it a battlecry. That’s the scary thing.

How many classes are able to increase their max health?

Any class can with Renathal.

They knew about it when it was designed. They knew about it when they “playtested” it. They print busted cards specifically to sell packs. Plain and simple. That’s all there is to it. It has been this way from the very start. They’ll get around to nerfing it in a few weeks once all the happy little Warlock adopters have dropped their $$$ to build a deck to abuse it and make the game about as fun to play as getting repeatedly switched on the tuckus. I bought 100 packs with gold, but I honestly am finding it very difficult to even want to play it right now.


oh, yeah, those 5 health won’t save you. Able to put down 4 snakes on 2 turns. And if only three, a double dar’khan will do the rest

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Yeah. that’s not gonna work

The only real counter is Blood DK and Control decks with dirty rat that get lucky. I don’t exactly know how aggro is doing against it though. Waiting for stats

Rainbow DK can do it too just fine between Maw and Paw and Primus.

maw and paw won’t survive a turn to gain health.

Honestly can’t believe you’re even stating that card as if it’s a serious card. It got rated one of the worst cards of the entire expansion

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Dirty Rat and raising your health pool is not the answer to the deck. Honestly once the Warlock players realize playing it in control or a curse deck is incorrect it will destroy the ladder. The minion Excavate deck is WAY WAY better and insulates you from the counter.


It works great in rainbow dk, at worst giving you 6 corpses in one card, and if that’s all you get opponent needs to use some significant resources to kill 8 health minion on turn 4.

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Well that’s exactly what it would be — an opinion.

The amount of work that it takes to find bugs is orders of magnitude less than the amount of work needed to get enough data to accurately predict a future metagame. It’s simply not feasible as something that you actually pay people to do. It would either cost too much in terms of labor, or be so half-baked as to not have much predictive power.

So honestly if I was in the devs position, I’d have mostly the same opinion. I wouldn’t want QA who think of themselves primarily as balance testers. I don’t know if I’d go zero tolerance about it, that seems a bit extreme, but low tolerance feels right to me.

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That’s about the extent of that cards use. Should have just been a regular rare card that gave 5 corpses and you could have two copies in deck. Would honestly rather have the big corpse surge for the turn 5 swing of tempo it could give. Like EVERY DK deck outside of triple/Double blood DK has virtually zero access to sweepers. Corpse Explosion should be SINGLE BLOODY rune and that allows DK to actually leverage the board. I so hate how they designed DK because it’s an interesting class that makes you balance two resources at once.

The biggest “ner ner I know and you don’t” post ever.

lol the snake will be nerfed by Thursday on patch day. Then these forums will be flooded with the tears of warlocks who thought they were going to get away with this. :joy:

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