Azerite Snake + Alexstrasza interaction

I think I found an unintended behaviour.
If you play Alexstrasza on an hero whose maximum health has been reduced by the effect of Azerite Snake, instead of setting the health to 15 (like it would when your health is reduced by cards like Majordomo Executus) it instead sets it to 15 minus the amount removed by the snake, for example if 2 snakes have been played the health would become 1. I don’t think this is intended as it would be able to create some weird OTKs both in standard and wild.


If you can play Alexstrasza and two Azerite Snakes in one turn, then you were going to win no matter what…

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Yeah OTK isn’t the right word but I think you know what I meant.

Playing 3 snakes throughout the game means that at any moment they can drop Alexstrasza and kill their opponent on the spot.
The bug abuse doesn’t require to play everything on the same turn.
If you play 3 azerite snakes against a DK, but they increase their max health by 25, instead of resetting them to 15 you just kill them

Here a replay of killing with that bug :

I did some other tests, if you bring your health above 30 (I tried with Maw and Paw, but I think it would work the same with Primus, Vampiric Blood and other similar cards) Alexstrasza works as intended disregarding the number of snakes played.

But did you test that in a game where your health also got reduced by the snake ?

In short yes, but I increased my health after the last snake was played, then Alex behaved normally. Maybe the order of operations is important, I’m curious to see what happens if I increase my health and then reduce it with the snake before dropping Alexstrasza, I’ll try to test again when I have the time.

This bug has become more prevalent with the recent patch using Excavate Warlock as a primary means of countering Reno Warrior.

This just happened to me in Legend rank, it’s clearly an exploit and mega annoying. Health went from 9 to 0, I lost then it went back to up 15 but the game was over.

Just died to the bug also. At 9 health after 3 snakes, Alex didnt set me to 15 it killed me.

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Yep, just died to this combo as well. Had 9 health as well, a decent amount of armor though, plus the divine shield on my hero (was playing rogue and got the spell randomly) and then just went to 0 when the Alex popped out. NGL its definitly feeling like bug abuse, and im pretty annoyed its still in the game. I saw the youtube videos about it a while ago and assumed Blizzard would have patched that by now. Its upsetting that it has not been addressed.

Same, i died to this combo, thought i was fine bacuse of my armor. This misinteraction gives the deck an unfair advantage, the opponent dont even need to deal with armor, thats ridiculous

A month later and this is still not fixed? Wtf are you doing Blizz?!?

what??? its already known for a month??? thats insane, blizzard, pls get your game right

Assuming that Azerite Snake puts a drain counter on the opponent, then it’s no bug, as counters apply after Alex sets the health to 15.

Welp, just had it happen to me, really disheartening as i was winning and had managed to get armor with Headless horseman to keep me alive, but Alexstrasza just killed me, it’s been a month, what are the Devs doing , hidding after the disaster of the weekly quests changes ?

A “drain counter”? What does that even mean? Are you just randomly making things up?

Azerite “steals” HP. It doesn’t add counters. It’s not an aura. There is absolutely no reason Alex shouldn’t set you to 15 (or, at the very least, whatever your current max is).

I just lost to this bug / combo and it was super frustrating. Not the type of bug you want around during a heroic brawl. This has to get fixed asap

The stolen HP is permanent. My max health is permanently reduced by 7, and my opponent’s is permanently increased by 7.

If that isn’t an aura, then what is it?

A one time effect.
If you play blessing of kings on a minion, then set its stats to 1/1, it doesn’t become a 5/5

Bug Fixes

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Alexstrasza’s Battlecry effect didn’t work properly with life-total adjusting effects (like Azerite Snake and Vampiric Blood).
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