Awesome Net Deck

Why do you guys expect people to stick around and witness the awesomeness of your net deck for the umphtenth time? I play homebrew decks and I know which decks can beat my homebrew deck easily. After an opponent plays a few cards, I can determine what deck it is and I concede if need be. What I don’t understand is my opponent emoting as if they are disappointed in me leaving. Like dude, yea you’re winning but your deck is boring, and I’d rather play against a fun homebrewed deck and lose vs a boring meta deck.

I suppose all of them :smile:

No really… never underastimate the skills of a real player. I play only home brew decks too and got near Legend many times with them. :wink: This is the way I can enjoy the game and feel my success for my own.


That’s right, a real skilled player doesn’t complain about other people’s decks :nerd_face:

No, it is not like that… the problem is with the developers… they can’t think before create some unfair mechanics and every pro is abusing them for weeks and months before change them… thats what we call unbalance… and that is the main problem with the game… incompetent developers are behind it for a while now…

You’re right, if I were a teenager I would also be throwing sh*t at developers but my time of pretensions and arrogance is over :grin:

  • Adapt or die - cit

I don’t know what is the connection between beeing teenager and sh*t throwing… but I am just talking about the unbalance… I am not a teenager btw… I am nearly 40 years old and proud to build my own decks. Until I have my fun with them, I will play.

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This whole mentality that players should not be allowed to net deck is absurd. If the cards are in your collection, anyone is perfectly within their rights. to play those cards regardless if the deck was copied or not.

Depending on the rank you’re playing at, you’ll generally see more homebrew decks in lower ranks and as you climb, the variety of decks narrow down because players in higher tiers play to win and meta decks always perform better than homebrew.

If you try not to let your ego get brushed when someone emotes at you, it will eventually not bother you when they do. You can always squelch them at the start of the match if it bothers you that much.

And you’re right, Net decks are awesome, because they perform well, and I encourage everyone to net deck as much as they can if they are looking to win and climb.

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I couldnt agree more!
I think the meta is boring when it’s just 1-3 decks but that is not a netdeck problem, it’s a power problem.

I play a lot of my own decks…
The funny thing is, when you are actually good at deck building your deck comes closer and closer to meta decks or even become meta at a certain point.

This even happend to one of my decks recently.
I played Brann/Boom weeks before it was a netdeck.
Nerfs happend, the meta changed and that deck found it’s place.

My deck is still different but I am actually kinda proud that it is a meta deck now.

Btw without netdecking I wouldnt know how to create own decks, my concepts allways try to tackle the meta. If you play homebrew that dosnt tackle the meta you shouldnt even care for anything cuz you play meme… lol

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