Available in July

Why read journals though? You have been around since 2019. You could have remembered

Did you know that the vast majority of people can’t even remember what they had for dinner 3 days ago?

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This is you trolling by the way. I know I promised to tell you a while back, but I’ve been less and less interested in the forums recently, so this is my earliest lackadaisical opportunity


I think they got banned, I haven’t seen SuperCuddles in days

They were my favorite person why oh why :sob:

I don’t think they are trolling though, I was worried and confused about it myself. But the expansion has released now and the packs can be opened

or else what? we’d ask for our money back? /s

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it’s always the people with the most posts that are the biggest jerks. they get so many posts by being snarky on every comment all day every day. The trust system is automated so by sheer volume and use on forums they become higher trust level and a moderator.
They aren’t helpful, or even kind many times, but they work for free which saves blizz some money.

Amazes me how people can be so calous