Available in July

Hi, I have these 3 packs that are notifying me to be opened but when I go to open them they say Available in July. It’s more than half the month of July already, and I’m getting worried and also confused as to why these unopenable packs are here and when they can be opened? There is an asterisk as well but far as I can tell doesn’t do or mean anything. When can I get rid of this unopened pack notification that can be opened in July but it’s July and they can’t be opened? Should I file a bug report? Thank you

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They are the new expansion’s packs.

They’ll be available to open when the expansion launches on the 23rd.


Oh okay, thank you so much!

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Man me too, why not just say “Available July 23!”
It is the same amount of characters and much less ambiguous.


I was wondering the same thing there is an asterisk on the pack but it doesn’t say when just “July” but it is July

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My guess is that they don’t specify is if something would happen and they didn’t launch expansion/packs didn’t unlock on date they still have a week or so to fix it without being outside July.
Another reason could be to get players to look into it and if they didn’t know a new expansion was coming(I don’t know how they wouldn’t know) they might preorder.

Tomrorow is when you can open them. That’s when the new expansion drops.


I had to look into it and didn’t know a expansion was coming, but it has the opposite effect on me preording, I don’t like business that use shady or obtuse practice to try to trick and obfuscate people into buying something, I value transparency and honesty and good business practices so I was confused but I understand now I can open them in July tomorrow but not July today


Hello, it is now July 23rd and I am unable to open the packs?

Expansion isn’t live yet
In Europe it usually drops around 7pm
If you havent had the big pop up for the expansion it’s only normal you can’t open them

July lasts until 07/31 after 23:59:59

no where did he state that at the first second/minute/hour of July 23rd would these packs be available, he said when expansion launches. As soon as the patch drops they should be available assuming no problems server side(something like the signature fiasco that had them lock standard packs during March of the Lich King)

I still can’t open them

A bit suspect you claim you’ve been playing this game for many years and don’t know when or how expansion pack openings work.

You still can’t connect the dots that the expansion has not been released yet ?

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I was told to wait until July 23 to open the packs that say Open in July, today is July 23, I can’t open the packs…why would my playing the game for 10 years mean I would understand what is going on with this whole thing?

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Because for the last many, many years the expansion has released at 10am PST like clockwork.

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That is fine, I have no problem with expansion release time, My issue is with how this has all been communicated (or rather, not) very well if at all.

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It was communicated perfectly fine all over their website and social media. It’s been consistent. Released today perfectly at 10am PST. Packs saying “Available in month” has always been that way and you’re acting like this is new.

You’ve been playing for years and years and act like this is all new to you. It’s very sketchy.

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Wtf? I play the game, I don’t subscribe to scholar journals to get basic information for the game…

Always is a funny word, isn’t it

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