"Available After Apprenticeship"

I haven’t played a lot of Hearthstone, so I may be entirely mistaken or might just be missing something.

The collection of six packs that you’re supposed to unlock after “Apprenticeship” are still locked for me. I’ve heard I needed to beat the tutorial, which I did, and I need to reach level 25, which I have, but they’re still locked.

It’s entirely possible I just don’t know what “Apprenticeship” is, so can anyone help me out on this one? How do I unlock those packs?

dunno, that wasn’t a thing when I was starting I think

Hey, i think it refers to this (if you are a new player):
“The Apprentice League for new players runs from Ranks 40 to 1 and are exclusive to new players only. Players cannot lose stars in these ranks. Upon advancing out of Rank 1 of the Apprentice League, the player will have access to the normal player ranks.”


The new player experience, apparently now called apprenticeship, used to be ranks 50 to 25. But that has now changed to ranks 40 to 1.

It is possible to skip this part and get out of the new player ranks and into Bronze 10 immediately, but if you do so you will forfeit the free pack rewards that are normally awarded to players for advancing through those new player ranks.

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I have the same problem and have no ideas for what it means

I was able to use the cards but one day it decided that I can’t use them, I had to make new decks that doesn’t include my better cards. it tells me to get apprenticeship now.
How can I get my old deck back? I don’t really understand how this works.


Someone please briefly tell me where do i get this blasted apprenticeship, i have many great cards, somehow i cant play like i used to. Thanks.

I got it, you got to play on the “heartstone” button until you complete the apprenticeship.

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Do you have to play through the intro, and this “apprenticeship?” Because that sound tiresome.

Intro, yes. Apprenticeship, no. You can skip the Apprenticeship ranks, but you’ll miss out on ~21 free packs.