Autosquelch...Not that hard to implement

Why are players having to request over and over? Surely this feature that has been requested time and time again isn’t that hard to implement. Yes, we can click on squelch each match, just like we could choose each card, card back, hero portrait, and so on each game too…but we don’t.
Not saying take it away from you guys who feel as though it’s some form of power but to give those who find it to be a useless annoyance the ability to set it to off and leave it.


just mute the voicelines…unlesss listening to cards is so importanto you

Right click on Opponents portrait, Squlech, Done.

Not that hard.


I guess the right click will strain a tricep or latissimus dorsi and they won’t be able to work the next day.

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Most people dont go thru most social interactions just telling other people “Talk to the Hand cuz I aint listening” anymore. Not since the show Hey Dude was being made…

So its kinda reasonable to expect people to choose on the rare occasion to squelch someone else. Not everyone everytime. Thats just antisocial, and speaks more about your own insecurities than it does about the other player being any level of annoying.

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Yes, this is simple and easy… we can’t mute some voice lines tough for some reason… never understood that. Mostly when our enemy is doing some ultra unfair OP trick… Squelch fail. :slight_smile:

i dont think its the voicelines

seeing the speech balloons alone make some people lose their minds

No, there are a few really which cannot be muted, but they are not coming from the emotes menu, but from the hero portraits. Like Tamsin “muhaa hahahahahaaaaaaa” when she used that stupid Full-Blown Evil card.

as far as i know when you set it to 0 all voicelines are muted(including card ones)

If we weren’t talking about 6 generic voicelines, I might agree with this. But there really isn’t that much value you get from what we have currently. It’s very far from the pinnacle of social interaction

Much like any quality of life feature, it’s not about it being difficult to do.

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Dont ever set reminders on your calander right? Because its simple to just keep adding recurring things over and over x500. lol. Im in agreement with auto squelch. Honestly its just a toxic troll option to tease people before a kill shot.

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Seems like it can get under some sensitive skins and ruffle them feathers of the pearl clutching variety. I just cannot imagine being so upset about someone right clicking and left clicking to communicate something.

I feel like the emotes are much the same as those speech buttons for pets. its purely up in the air as to whether they are truly trying to say the things the buttons say, but its fantastic and amazing when you are able to communicate with said pet via those buttons.

Personally Id be more upset about the way they beat me and less about their emotes.

Because they don’t want to. Removing the last vestige of sociability in a game like HS is probably not something they want. That’s why they have you make the choice. They know if they implement auto squelch, no one will ever use or see emotes again. Then the game will feel truly dead, if it doesn’t feel that way already.

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One addon has an optional addon with autosquelch

like one could prob intercept the HS messages and just make sure the event never reaches the target.

but i don’t say anyone should.

blizz might not like it. I don’t know how to do it, let’s say that, so… I don’t think it possible, but if one for educational purposes would like to learn to, you know intercept packages.

This text might be as cryptic as those are.

But ye one way to auto squelsh would be if the event never reaches my game for some bizarre reason.

Haven’t had the sound on in this game in years. Still would support a squelch mute button for all in settings though it’s hardly a trigger issue

we can silence all dialogues and hear only the game music and sound effects

but they are complaining about the silent speech balloons


The speech bubble was what I was ineloquently commenting about. It should be mutable on settings - I’m in agreement - I just actually don’t know if they have an audible element to them also.

From someone who literally seems to have an allergic reaction to doing any research…you’re throwing from a glass house the size of the solar system.

And your argument cuts both ways: that you have such opposition to something that you have zero clue you opponent has done (squelching) says a universe of things about you more than it does about them.

Funny that.

The fact that they can’t be bothered (again) to do something that other people have done shows how lazy that actiblizz (brought to you by microsoft) truly is.


Why was sliced bread invented again? Oh yeah cause people were too lazy to manually cut every loaf every time soneone in the family asked for sandwiches.