Auto conceding against Demon Hunters

No point in playing. Its the same every game.

weapon tutor turn 1 or 2
Weapon on turn 3 or turn 2 with coin
6/5 on turn 3 or 6/5 and 1/1 on turn 4

• a Dormant 3 dmg aoe on turn 5 you cant interact with
• a 6/5 with rush and charge
• a 6/5 or 1/1 that casts 2 secrets and locks the board

Sick of it.

Dunno why window shopper is even 5 mana with premium stats and an insane effect being able to mana cheat higher cost cards out earlier. That easily says 6/7 mana to me.

Once again the devs do not understand how mana cheating fundamentally breaks the game. Being able to get a magtheridon on turn 4 or 5 is fundamentally broken when its effect was balanced around being 8 mana


Yeah, its busted alright. I have the deck myself, but i don’t like playing it. Its the same thing over and over again because there’s no real challenge except not finding the weapon guy, or the weapon, or the WS.

How many more weeks does blizzard need to nerf this deck? The change is quite easy. Make the weapon 2/3 instead of 3/2. Easy. Boom

Get gud I have no problems against DH one of the easier classes to beat with my deck.

Oh ya you NET DECK and that is why you fail against them.

Totally agree. I also auto concede vs DH now. Nearly every single time they use that minion to discover another its always the 3 damage aoe minion. Then the use that red card thing to keep it untouchable, its just not fun to play against.

Same here… I had enough of this incompetent developer team… please change your MMm, learn to create balance or fire all the developers… thx… this is unberable… a game should entertain the players… no frustrate them! This game is bad for the health… 4 DH in one row… yeah right… STOP creating “I win” cards and unlimited power for the love of god!


They can’t.

Blizzard are so bad that they can’t even release a decent xpac this days.

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i just get to d5 and then autoconcede to decks i dont like to play against such as dh or brann warrior. its my fun, i dont need to justify it to anybody nor do i owe people that play those decks a game. i hope they all get to top 100 legend soon so they get out of my games.

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Lost 2 ranks today solely from conceding to DH decks lol

So fun not being able to build up a win streak for bonus stars when at least every 2 games is a DH and it breaks the streak

But I literally value my time more than stars and so will keep conceding until blizzard nerfs the hell out of DH

Not only DH, control warriors and hunters…

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I’ve been auto conceding to warlock constantly, must be at least 50+ auto concedes by now. I don’t even select my starting hand, pointless, waste of my time, not fun(and video games are supposed to be fun).

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why do you lie ? we have a thread in this forum with the the DH balance patch date announcement in it

Really? Where? Could you link that for us please?

This what the defenders are ignoring. Cards have costs according to what they do. When you start ignoring those costs because of mana reduction effects, those previously high mana cardsbecome beyond broken.

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Not just mana cheat but also legendaries were designed so you can only put 1 in your deck MAX. That is a LITERAL deck restriction for balance reasons.

I literally played a match yesterday where

Turn 2 - played the weapon tutor to draw the weapon

Turn 3 - equipped weapon and attacked once

Turn 4 - attacked a 2nd time, triggered the weapon which obviously drew into window shopper. Played the 3 mana window shopper and the 1 mana miniature same turn

Turn 5 - 3 mana magtheridon + 1 mana magtheridon. 6 dmg aoe every turn that i have no way to stop

Very fun and interactive. I literally could not build any board while he just kept playing more and more every turn. I physically could not play any cards that wouldve made a difference

Red card is a problem too. Brings minions out of action cheap and can reactivate Mag.

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This is what happens to 90% of all games… They fire the original dev team, hire children right out of college and then MILK their players until the game dies.

Seen it happen way to many times to even bother with ANY MMO anymore. Even the ones in development will die off and become milk wagons.

I have never bought nor paid ANY money to Blizzard after they failed WOW and Hearthstone.

4 days later, and I see no patch and DH is pathetically strong.

Blizzard sleeps in their shoes, like always …

They are not sleeping they wanted the meta to take shape and if im right its no longer the best deck in the format especiallly at higher ranks it isnt at lower ranks it stil dominates.

I personaly believe Highlander Warrior is by far the superior deck as it has a favoured matchup vs this deck except for 1 deck i believe.

I can understand why there is no balance patch they have a world tournament coming up and they cant change it because the meta wil change and the participants wil have very little time to adjust their lineup.

There wil be a balance patch after worlds and if i have my information there should be another patch a bigger one in 2- 4 weeks maybe.

In which i would like warrior nerfed along with other decks that are fairly older that dont allow the new decks to shine.

Boo !@#$ing Hoo. I guess we all know what matters to Actizzard.

Remember when this game first came out and you could have fun playing, but now it is simply a race to get the “I win” card.
The Jabberwocky was probably the first “I win” card.