Attacking with minions

i dont know how to describe my problem best:
lets say i have a board full of minions and i wanna attack. i have to drag a minion and then wait until all minions have the green rim light before i can do my next move. basically once the attack happened i can then use the next minion. but when i see streamers play they drag their entire board one after another into the enemies face without needing to wait for the minions attack to have happened.
i hope somebody understands what im trying to explain xD

you don’t need to wait for the minion to finish attacking, you can go to the next one and drag it to the target, the animation will take time to complete and go on to the next one, sometimes your attack may cause the target to go immune/untargettable (because of deathrattle effect summoning taunt, secrets, or things like that), in which case the minion won’t have the green outline right after the attack (even before any attacking animation finishes)

thanks for the quick reply. but i actually tried what you kust said. and no, it doesnt work. without the green outline i cannot drag it (im talking about a normal situation w/o DR etc)
i have to wait for the outline before i can use it. thats the whole issue.

Are you playing on mobile or PC?

both. i have always had this issue. well it wasnt an issue before i saw streamers pull their entire turn because their cards green outline is basically constantly visible and therefore usable

Well, normally you definitely don’t have to wait until a minion attacks before declaring your next attack. If I have a full board then it takes maybe 4-5 seconds to let every minion go face.

Mobile is one thing because of the touch screen but on PC this shouldn’t be a problem. Do you have performance issues while you are playing? Screen stuttering or slow animations?

The moment you release the attack command, your device sends the information to the game’s server, once the server receives it, it computes the outcome and sends it back to your device to play the animations.
What happens for most players is that your device receives the processed informations and everything is calculated instantly before the animations finish, leading to other minions and card to glow green as it has been processed that the attack has been performed and you can do your next move. (something like that)

What can happen though is a delay before you receive the “attack performed” information, leading to an unusual wait (comparing to streamers for example).
This latency is generally explained by either a bad (or unstable) internet connection, or a server side issue. I doubt that this would be an issue coming from your hardware, but it could come where you live, what internet company provides you…

no i dont. i even lowered my gaming resolution to see if that helps.
maybe, as mentioned in the other reply below, it is an internet issue…

well thanks for the detailed explanation.
i mean i dont have the super best internet connection for sure. just 50mbit. bit its not like it is any different from my mobile experience for example.
i cant use a minion unless its green. it has never worked like that. the only delay difference that i have between mobile and pc or slower and faster internet is that the green light appears faster right after a minion atacked. but i have never been able to use it before it

Do you have a faster internet connection on your smartphone?

You can try to use your smartphone as a hotspot, connect your PC with it and then play a game and see if there is any difference.

up until a week ago i played via a hotspot with up to 16 mbit. now i play with up to 50 with an actual router. but over wifi only. can there be such a gap in speed between wifi and a cable? should i use a cable for an even better internet connection?

Try it. Maybe you notice a difference.