Astalor still not removed from game?

Blizzard do you not understand balance? People have wanted this card removed for a very long time now and you still haven’t changed this stupid game breaking card. It offers no class value to any hero. I have literally out played everyone playing it that I have gone against and then…bam…stupid multiple astalors. Lower his damage or get a new profession since card development isn’t something you should be a part of. You changed snowfall graveyard from cost 3 to 5 for some reason but not astalor which is WAY more detrimental to the game.

Get a clue please.

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That doesn’t sound like you out played them at all

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how not? give an example. Sounds like you play astalor.

Astalor has been removed from the game. Standard is the game.

I don’t play Wild but I have a hunch that this is a hot take.


I would play Astalor if he was in a deck I wanted to play. I didn’t think he was relevant in any mode at this point but I haven’t done much in wild lately

wild too hard? You will go against astalor if you play wild guaranteed

I haven’t been playing much at all recently to be honest. Just haven’t felt motivated to play since the quest changes

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maybe astalor should shuffle the next astalor into your deck instead of adding it to your hand
that might be less strong i guess

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How do you go against a 10-mana-requirement, multi-step, legendary on a guaranteed basis in a mode where decks are optimised to kill by turn 6 ?
If your let your opponent do their things for 10 turns, it’s not their final combo that is the problem. Maybe they had something else to stall that could be the thing to address, but most likely your deck was just too slow for the mode and matchup.


When a combo player loses to a better combo deck, they take it for themselves.

When an aggro player loses to a better aggro deck, they don’t even notice.

When a control player loses to a better control deck, they make a post asking why the devs allow their opponent to even exist.

OP needs to act more like a combo player. If Astalor is so good in slow decks, run it yourself.


i use it in a priest questline deck i play b/c it’s a 2-cost that grants an extra 5 & 8-cost to hand, in case it need them


Brann Astalor won me many a game last rotation. Awesome card!

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You just said exactly why it shouldn’t be in the game…balance. The card isn’t balanced if it is in most decks.

Look I haven’t played Wild in a bit but I am pretty sure Astalor isn’t a pirate

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Still waiting for the answer on how you encounter such a slow card in most of the decks in such a fast meta

Most of these posts aren’t made by control players, they’re made by people who play decks that would be considered underpowered even in Casual. Or people who make plays that would see them on a losing streak at any rank. Or both.

Control players not only copy from the opponents when appropriate, but also try to figure out if they need to adapt their deck to what the opponent did.

We have a difference in methodology. You are trying to use some kind of performance test to establish who is or isn’t a control player. This has the disadvantage of people saying that they are control players, then you disagreeing with them and saying that they’re something else. But when I say control players, all I mean is that they self-identify as control players.

Nah, I’m saying that the people complaining aren’t playing control decks and they aren’t control players, they just play slow and poorly optimized decks (or their play patterns don’t fit control)

Control decks may be slow, but not all slow deck are control decks.

This is 100% not true of me. Casual is just the non ranked version of the same 5 decks People who don’t netdeck have to go against all the time.