So tired of Chinese bots being on the NA servers. Really wish they would just region lock the servers down. I mean they have their own servers back and they still bot the crap out of the NA servers. And yes they are Chinese bots cause they play the same bot decks and have all the Chinese symbols in their name.
I guess getting handed a ton of free cards and all still isn’t enough for them to stay in their own region.
That’s borderline prejudice. Being foreign alone is not proof of anything.
What exactly are the same bot decks that no human can play?
Strange, I haven’t seen that many character names lately. I know they’re still there, but haven’t bumped into one in about three or four days. They might be slowly getting banned and/or moved back to the other servers.
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Chinese people are not necessarily bots.
Buddy, what are you typing? xD
Obviously Chinese people aren’t necessarily bots.
Chinese bots are necessarily bots.
I never called them bots.
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only chinese players I face are in D5 or legend I never see china bots on NA servers.