Arena rewards need to be better

Just had a 10-3 shaman run which ended up giving me 175 gold, along some other stuff which I don’t particularly care for.
Arena is pretty much the only game mode I play and take seriously, and is the main way I use to get gold to buy new skins from the shop, so it’s very disheartening that getting to 10 wins, i get measly 25 gold extra than what I paid for the entry fee.


Overall, they need to make arena better. This is what people have been saying in videos and here for some time now.

But they would rather focus on what’s important: new mercstone bundles in the hideous looking new shop!


You not liking the rewards has nothing to do with the rewards not being enough
Speaking about the cost of things, 1 dust is equivalent to 1 gold, a pack is equivalent to 100 gold
So if you end up your arena with 150 gold worth of reward, you neutralized the entry fee compared to someone just buying packs
Anything over that is pure benefit
175 gold + a pack + I assume some dust means you got a pack and some rewards for free, then got your entry fee refunded, that’s already a huge benefit
Maybe what you should ask for is the possibility to choose to replace some rewards by something less valuable
If you don’t care about 50 dust and a pack, that would give you the choice to trade them for ~30 and ~60 gold

You literally quoted what contradicted your point. Close to 12 wins (the max) shouldn’t be barely above a break even.

As for

Holy Light, this could have been copied straight from kotick and the board.

“Pass the platinum plated caviar dish, and let’s make sure the customers pay MORE for LESS!”

“What genius! Let’s give ourselves another raise before microsoft takes over!”

::guffaws all around::

…as if this game needs even LESS value for current players.

And you didn’t understand what I wrote

You already break even with just 1 pack and 50 gold
You entered with 150 gold, you quit with 150 gold worth of reward

If you quit with 175 gold, a pack and dust, you are not “barely above breaking even” you strognly are over it

If you allow the players to convert everything to gold with a 1:1 ratio, players will be able to farm arena with barely above 50% winrate
The mode is designed to reward you with better deals from your gold. You enter with 150 gold, and at 3 wins you quit with at least 150 gold worth of rewards. Compared to buying packs straight up, more wins are pure benefit
For the mode to allow you to chain runs and farm gold and rewards, you have to earn it with extremely good runs

While yes we as players feel that way…I doubt blizz does. They know if you’re gonna play arena you’re gonna play arena.

275…is not "strongly” and yes, since dust isn’t a true 1:1 for gold so I didn’t factor it. Its still not, even if included. Not at a 10-3 run.

Like op did. Really earned that near breakeven!


the average dust you get from pack oppening is 100 so it’s literaly a 1:1 conversion
Even if you give it a poor ratio, if you enter with 150 gold and quit with 300 you literaly doubled your entry gold
How is double not strongly more ?

And trusting the reward table of the wiki
10-3 is already rewarding more than 300 worth of gold
Even if you don’t want to factor dusts and cards with a 1:1 ratio because you’re not interested, you have to include them in the equation since they don’t simply vanish because you are not interested

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Do try and read. If you “didn’t understand” just ask, I’ll walk you through it.

I can play that too.
You not agreeing and me contradicting doesn’t mean I didn’t understand your statement.

The bare minimum rewards for a 10-3 are
a pack, worth 100 gold
170 gold
a rare card, worth 40 dust so worth 40 gold
a golden common, worth 50 dust so worth 50 gold

Even if you consider dust being worth 33% of gold, which is wrong, you still get 300 worth of gold, so double your entry fee, with the bare minimum rewards

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remeber that the next time you unironically:

Being dishonest is what you’ve been from the start, which is why I had to quote what I originally posted. But feel free to post where I actually stated:

or admit you lied again.

Now, let’s debunk this 1:1 garbage:

a pack costs 100 gold, and the average packs contains:

1 rare and 4 commons.

That has to be the baseline for figuring out dust value, because we don’t have the actual stats for card drops, etc and we all know actiblizz won’t give their numbers/formula (and their timers don’t work the way they say they do, based on the number of reports stating this).

The d/e value for those cards is: 40

To craft 1 rare and 4 commons 160

Just to get that basic outcome, it takes 4 times the dust to get 1 rare and four commons or FOUR packs.

At least you got something right there: it’s 25%.

And remember to give actual arguments when you say people didn’ tunderstand

That is absolutely wrong, no wonder why you can’t get the math right
What you are using as your average is the MINIMUM of a pack

Even worse. Not having the actual stats doesn’t mean that you can just use the minimum as your absolute average, you at least have to factor something in even if it’s not the exact stats

The pity timer for an epic is 10 packs, 40 for a legendary (not counting the first 10 packs legendary)
So in 40 packs, at minimum, you get 36 rares, 3 epics, 1 legendary and 160 common
That’s 2220 dust for an average of 55.5 dust per pack at MINIMUM, already double of what you are ranting
All it takes to reach a 100 dust average is one or 2 more legendaries, a couple more epics and golden rares/commons which, guess what, fits most pack openings

Oh yeah and not forgetting that receiving a card that you actually want to keep means you just gained dust for not having to craft it. But the base maths already proved you wrong on the numbers so I wont bother adding more nails to that coffin

Source ? Because I’ve never needed more than 40 packs to get a legendary and more than 10 packs to get an epic and never witnessed any pack opening where that occure (other than the ones where they actually opened 2 packs at once and skipped a legendary that they later found in their collection)

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Projection the post.

Interesting, we must have shifted universe where the average pack opening of packs DOESN’T result in four commons and one rare. Or once again, you can’t be honest about a basic fact.

So, after all you huffing and puffing and approaching a blog post…three times the amount of invest to reach those values you (falsely) claimed:

were equal. The irony is, in your rush to admit that, you also pulled such a large sample size, that it takes a standard bundle to get to your minimum and you rely on RNG for a bump. Thanks for proving OP’s point that arena rewards need to be better.

The only one “ranting” is you, but that tired spam is used often by people like you when you don’t have an actual argument and just want to fling mud.

So folks, all this to distract from the fact that team 5 and actiblizz need to make the rewards from arena better!

The basic fact here is that you odn’t understand what the word average means

Seems like you also don’t know how probabilities work
Because yes, if you want to know the average, you either need the exact probabilities (duh) or a large sample from which you extract a statistical average

All you did is take the worst possible scenario and claimed it was the average
And the worst scneario isn’t worth an average here. At best it is worth a median, not representative of an average

The only valid point you have is that I actually said a rare card was worth 40 dust instead of 20 if my earlier message. Here’s your cookie for finding an error that is irrelevant to the rest of the topic :cookie:

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Maybe you should remember to give actual arguments when you say people don’t understand. Or, as someone posted recently:

…AKA what happens when you open a pack most days of the week. Pretending that people win big jackpots doesn’t change that those are outliers.

That’s where you hit the Mark Twain quote about lies and stats. Just because you don’t like numbers doesn’t mean they don’t exist, or as someone posted recently:

more accurately here, because the numbers don’t fit your narrative: is that gold is three-four times more valuable than dust. Which you went out of the way to prove. Thanks again for that!

And all your anger and insults doesn’t distract from the fact that team 5 and actiblizz need to make the rewards from arena better!

Please quote them
Because so far I haven’t insulted any one. More so you called me liar yet you are the one making things up

I gave them
You want to talk avout an average
I explained how an average works, and detailled what you were doing and how it is not an average
You just have to look for the definition of the word to figure out you are using it wrong

You want to complain about how packs are not rewarding enough in your eyes so you omit any non minimum outcome, thanks for giving an exemple of lying about stats

If I toss a weighted coin 100 times and it lands 90 times on tail, the average chance of hitting tail is 90%, not 100% because that’s what happens more often

If 3 people have each a salary of 2000 and one person has a salary of 10000, the median is 2000, but the average is 4000 ((10000+2000x3)/4)

A person who tells lies is a liar. That’s generally how that works. If you feel insulted, don’t be dishonest.

From the author of:

that packs don’t on average contain 1 rare and four commons and cost 100 gold. And that’s just one of the big lies you told here.

Quote it, or admit you lied again. Also, from the author of:

Direct quote, or admit you lied AGAIN!
(must be a blue fox thing)

Interesting how all this to attempt to distract from the fact that arena rewards need to be improved.

I don’t think anyone understands that a company like Blizzard with a goose that lays golden eggs like Hearthstone, where despite bots and RNG manipulation based on what a player does with algorithms and AI, people continue to buy and spend money anyway, there is no reason to increase the rewards of the arena or duels, why should it give you more opportunities to play f2p??

I’m not sure people ARE spending that money.

The last quarterly reports are down, all their efforts are focused on giving away massive chunks of stuff at getting FORMER players back (and all the posts from them here are “the game is even worse than when I left last time, I’m out again”).

They aren’t doing anything to keep current players happy, and this is just one of the areas it shows.