Arena is broken

I am really struggling to even win a game in arena and I’m definitely not unfamiliar with the game. This would completely turn any new player off of ever doing it again because of the impossible win factor and the paid aspect, something drastic really needs to happen to make this mode more accessible and playable. Right now it is a nasty growth on this great game.

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The people you’re losing to don’t think it’s impossible to win.

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It’s been like that for a while especially with the premade bought decks.

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Familiar with the game is not equivalent to familiar with the current arena meta, and is also not equivalent to familiar with deck construction.

I’m not sure what your problem is since your description is too vague, maybe you can describe it in some details so we can know how to help you. And to win, you have to work on it. 90% of the people playing Hearthstone is “familiar” with the game, while arena has an average win rate that’s less than 50%.

Anomalies have helped put a knife in Arena.

It’s not just Arena. All of Hearthstone is broken.

The people that are winning are asian account bought decks. Might want to do some research mr. blizzard employee.

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Arena was so broken that I quit playing this mode for quite some time. There are too many unfair things to be pointed out, ranging from classes offering and decks quality.

I am sure he meant it literally genius.

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yes arena is broken and standard too and BG and wild and maybe … duels .

OP is correct.

I went back into arena because Hallow’s End used to be one of my favorite events, and holy hell it’s an awful experience. Titans, power creep, discover, and paid decks have cut my win rate in half from what it used to be. I wasn’t an arena god or anything, but I was fairly close to infinite before, and now a 3-3 run feels normal.

Really miss the old design philosophy.

Couple suggestions:

1 - Dramatically increase the entry cost to at least 500g, and compensate us legitimate players for the increased cost by allowing 5 losses before a run ends. This won’t totally solve the problem in the Chinese market, but it will make their enterprise far less profitable, as well as reduce variance.

2 - Have a “classic” mode where old sets rotate in an out. This would drastically lower the average power of arena decks and it would encourage more tempo focused gameplay, and games where you’re not pulling your hair out trying to “play around” your opponent’s 10-12 discover cards.

3 - Remove titans entirely from the card pool, or give every deck one titan as their first pick. Dropping a titan on curve is essentially gg, so I’d prefer the former suggestion, but at least let those of us with mortal decks have the opportunity to slam our own down.

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No. Arena is literally a zero-sum game. Its not possible for one player to win unless another loses, and vice versa. By definition, that’s a 50% win rate.

I’m assuming, of course, that if an arena game is tied, it is not counted as a win or a loss for either player. I don’t play arena often (only with free tickets from the reward track), and I don’t recall having a tied game. If I’m wrong on that, please LMK.


This didn’t work we had that for a season. What happened was decks that were offered newer cards were just way better than cards that only got old cards which might have been good for their time are trash compared to the power crept newer cards. It was a miserable meta.

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You are correct draws don’t count unless they changed something. I had a tie once way back before standard was a thing and that’s how it worked then.


Arena runs can be retired, and this is a huge problem when people abuse this function.

When you retire a deck, any lifes left count as a lose, and those do not have a corresponding win. But any win has a corresponding lose. So, the overall winrate is less than 50%.

People buy bot account and retire until they get a good deck, so…

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The hole game are broken, i use to call it clownstone.

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Just played a barcode deck with 9 mechagnome guides at 2-2. Yea I’m done.


Yeah, that is true. And while the person losing out is mostly the person who retires his deck, it also means that when he does play, he has a deck that is likely to be better than the decks he comes up against, meaning that his deck should expect to have a win rate above 50%. This means players having to play him are likely to have a win rate of below 50%. However, the overall win rate (for all games played) is still exactly 50%.

So, yeah… it is possible that a player can “pay 2 win” by retiring arena runs until they get lucky drafting. However, players doing so will never recoup the losses they take from retiring runs.

However, for players who do not P2W in this way, whenever they run into a player who does (which they inevitably will), THEIR win rate will be less than 50%.

This means that players who retire runs early will directly lose value, and players who don’t do so also lose out indirectly on the occasion they run into a player who does. This means all players lose out when a player retires a weak deck.

Of course, there is a way around this… although selfish P2W players may not realise it, and even if they did, they probably wouldn’t want to waste time actually doing it.

If you draft a deck that sucks, play it anyway and CONCEDE. That way, the other guy gets a free win. While this seems only to help the opponent, it can, and therefore (sometimes at least) it will, help the player who concedes.

If you give a player a free win, then start over with a new deck, you may play the same player again with your new deck. If so, he will have 1 more win that he “deserves”, but the arena MMR will take account the number of wins he has, not the number of wins he “deserves”.

This means that by giving someone a free win, you are stacking the MMR against the player who got that free win. Obviously, that’s fine by him, a win is still a win, and all wins affect his MMR. As a result, a player who concedes may (and sometimes will) get an easier matchup down the line. And, if enough people P2W in this way, there will be a lot of free wins affecting MMR in this way.

TLDR: When a player retires a run, the only winner is “the house”… Blizzard.

So, if you draft a crappy deck, play it anyway… of course, that isn’t going to happen, but there it is.

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Proof or it didn’t happen…

The super draft decks being sold is very well known and isn’t something the Chinese community hides. Whether they are the winning decks every time i am highly doubtful of that.