Arena Bug- Scrapbooking Student

Just had what seems like to identical bugs in a row in my last two areana matches. Was playing Druid main with shaman hero power. I drafted 1 “Scrapbooking Student” and 1 “Muck Pools” Shaman location and 1 “Fairytale Forest” Shaman location.
On two consecutive matches I played the muck pools and fairytale both before the scrapbook student and I copied the fairytale both times and used 1 charge from both locations before I played the Scrapbook student. Both times I copied the fairytale location and both times once copied I was unable to click on any of the three locations.
I had valid targets for my muck pools and battlecry minions still in my deck
Both times the problem seemed to happen after I had played the Scrapbook student.
Needless to say I lost both games because of this.
Preeeeeeeez fix :smiling_face_with_tear:

I had EXACTLY the same problem with DK location horizon edge. The problem is card scrapbooking student. It bugged for me on arena also!

I experience the same bug as well, in Standard mode. My findings:

  • works as intended on Windows, bugs on iPhone
  • consistently reproduced bug in multiple games with at least 2 different locations
  • on iPhone, closing HS and reconnecting fixes the issue temporarily (after playing Scrapbooking student)

Same issue. Saw this was posted a few other posts. Scrapbooking Student freezes the original location (in my case Horizon’s Edge). I experienced it twice in the Arena, leading to me losing by a nose because I couldn’t get a last point or two at the face. Frustrating.

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Just had this exact same thing happen on iPad, arena run with scrapbooking

Could be linked to the existing issue in arena with card generation (which is why the mode is disabled for now)