Are you sure you want to buy Golden Harth Stormbrew?

For FREE??? You can’t undo this !!!

Are you absolutely sure???

You might want to think on it long and hard!!!

makes ZERO SENSE !!!

I can just see it now in the comments (some people don’t like golden cards) OK big whoop you get a free golden card automatically deal with it.

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It’s not that deep, probably it’s default code for any time you make any type of purchase from the store. No need to get worked up about clicking yes for a free item.


You’re right but I can’t stand stupidity and things that are asinine!

They can trigger free legendaries for every one when there’s an update, that’s what they do now before every expansion

Unless there’s a technical limitation, the only reason I see not to use such trigger would be to force people in the shop and hope they make compulsive purchases

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OP isn’t necessarily wrong here. It’s a minor issue, sure. But, so are most typos and other such “polish / QA” things.

It’s not always about efficiency. If it were, we’d have no need for GUI’s whatsoever. Just run a sim and print the win.

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It actually makes ZERO CENTS! :melting_face:

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