Are y’all buying the mini set or no?

Can’t decide if I wanna spend the 2000 coins on the mini set or not. Honestly not really a lot of cards out of it that I care for.

it helps me unlock the coin and the amalgam signatures

plus 2000 is nothing


Fair enough, you have a valid point. Guess I’ll go ahead and get it too then lol

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It’s not even a question worth asking or answering.

Ofc you buy it. It’s too big of a loss of dust in the long run not to do so


I just have 1300 gold.

It’s worth buying regardless of the cards. If you were to dust all of them you’d receive way more dust than you could reliably get in 20 packs

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If you play enough to justify the cost, buy it.

I quit Hearthstone so obviously I won’t be buying it.

No im not buying the set, theres really only 1 card i want from it and i have a giant pile of dust.

It will be available long enough for you to save for it

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dont open packs until you get the mini set duplicate protection will give you mini set cards

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Yes, 2,000g is easy n fast to earn.


Let me make it clear. For optimizing F2P it’s an inexcusable mistake to not get it; it’s one of the biggest advantages of F2P; you buy it the moment it’s out even if you have exactly 2k.

Sidenote: it gets a bit weird for optimizing disenchanting; “f2p theorycrafters” say it’s bad to get it golden; might be better to get golden expansion packs instead of that.

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Nope as there is no actual reason to – only a FEW of the cards are needed and they can be crafted.

I think if you have excess money golden is a crazy amount of dust probably over ten thousand?

But you can buy regular first, then save up for golden and buy it for the dust.

No, because they calculated it’s probably better value to get 25 golden packs instead.

I haven’t done the math myself but it’s a very popular advice (avoid the golden mini).

or do and just dust the duplicates

Its a bad set for sure for paladin,
already counting the rogue cards, but the draw card cost 4 feels better than i expected, i played it in the quest of 1 cost cards,
And i guess, thanks to the threat of crusader aura the opponent can’t just ignore the 1/1´s…
so you dont waste to much tempo drawing…

I don’t regret buying it for Zephrys, fits in to any deck,
It was key to win in an aggro versus aggro matches
a single area damage completely changes the direction of things
But the diamond 9 cost card needs to be highrolled hard to work.
I lost several ranks and couldn’t even play it
It would synergize better with a big archetype if it were a deathrattle instead of battle cry…
The minion is just a bad pipsi for druids…

Mini sets with gold is one of the best values in the entire game. Not buying it with gold is foolish.


Yes, it had cards my mage deck 1000% needed.


i recommend not to open packs just because the pity timer can end up giving you one of the mini set epics or legendaries

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