Are there more classes other than Death Knight?

Slogging through apprenticeship and all I’ve ever played against is Death Knight. From the beginning 40 to 20 (currently) nothing but Death Knights…

The. Same. Deck.

Over and over and over and over …

Annnnnd over and over …

So, there are other classes to this game, right? People, real people, play other classes, right?

There should be a skip option. I don’t care about the packs that I’ll be “rewarded”. It’s NOT worth it. If I want packs, I’ll buy them. No wonder players want to bot.

That because plague counters the Reno.

Uhm… okay but I don’t run Reno. And it’s not Plague Knights, it’s the basic undead deck you get after clearing the Death Knight mode.

And I’m not upset that I win some, lose some; it’s the nature of the game. It’s just the repetitive gameplay of these decks. I almost know their moves before they even do it. If they’re Bliz-bots, the devs couldn’t program other decks to be used?

I would like some variety in opponents.

Edit: It finally happened!!! I played against another class other than Death Knight! It was a warrior! I wanted to savor the change so I stalled as long as I could. No, I didn’t rope burn but I focused on removing his minions. It was euphoric!!

Then the next three games were… +sobs+ Death Knights.

I experienced the same thing HOWEVER the death knights used 1 of 3 types of deck.

the whole apprentice system is supposed to change today. maybe you’ll find some relief there. good luck

is there a reason you didnt play a different deck?

What does that have to do with the constant opponent of Undead Death Knight?

BTW: it doesn’t matter what deck I play, it’s the same outcome - Undead Death Knight as my opponent.

oh i misread sorry, i thought you were the one playing death knight, oops

It’s okay. It happens. lol and I found out something… I CAN skip the apprenticeship!!
It’s hidden in the options menu ( can’t put a hint about that; huh Bliz?) soooo the grind is over! I get to play OTHER people, finally!