Are nerfs and buffs completely off base?

It gets played as much as the organic chemistry knowlege % of The US population. Which is obviously next to none. The people that seriously know organic chemistry in the USA or infact the world is less than 1% you cant even find paladin played in some sites t1000 data for a darn good reason.

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Here’s how dishonest this is:

It’s the 6th most played deck at all of Legend
7th most played deck at Top1K Legend
6th most played deck at D1-D4

You are trying to portray the deck as if it sees little to no play and because it has a 3-4% play rate, that somehow makes it practically not played at all.

What you just said could be applied to virtually every deck in the entire meta except for Dragon Druid.

100% dishonest and you do it on purpose.

Here’s one of the fact deniers I was talking about.

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How it it dishonest? Im not gonna lie i did exaggerate and joke but its really is hardly played.

Compared to most other classes are played far more than paladin recently here is proof. There was times paladin did not even register at t1000 recently as well that is not being disshonest.

If you know anything about statistics paladins average play rate is far below average. If this was a clinical trial they would throw paladins data out in some cases.

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6th most popular deck is “hardly played”

You heard it here first.

Now I have to bring receipts and prove you wrong, YET AGAIN for the umpteenth time. Honestly, why do you purposefully lie?

Now everyone can see the truth.

What’s the excuse now?


I wanted to say LOOK AT THE BONES

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I don’t know why you guys go at it for the n^th time about Pally

The reason it’s not nerfed yet is because it’s underplayed, and it’s underplayed because it’s:

a) linear,
b) predictable,
c) board-based, and
d) because of all of the above, when you win with it, you shrug it off, because it’s expected because it’s broken; when you lose with it, you feel like you didn’t have any agency that game and the luck of the draw (the only RNG in the deck, btw) lost the game without you even playing it.

It’s boring and it’s a complete waste of design effort and money, especially so if you nerf it and its playrate drops to 0

Meta Score is complete nonsense.

So frequency means nothing? Ok.

Apparently, “underplayed” is the term we give to things that are the 6th most played deck.

It’s absurd.

I’m not saying that frequency means nothing. I’m saying that converting winrate and frequency into numbers that max at 100, then multiplying those two numbers together, means nothing. I am saying that those charts in your post are meaningless.

I used the chart only to show the frequency, not the power meta. I also used 3 other charts.

Why ignore the point I made?

It’s not. Due to players constantly trying to adapt to the meta in order to win more than the others, all decks eventually get tested against the meta, most of them discarded

But there are weak, tier 4- decks which happen to counter the most overplayed, tier 1 deck, and have 2-3 other slightly favorable matchups, but because there are many more people playing the deck they counter, the tier 4 deack, although weak, becomes 1st or 2nd most played and with it, its’ meta score rises.

Pally’s meta score is low, because it’s popularity is low, because it’s boring, linear AND it doesn’t counter the number 1 played deck on the ladder. In other words, it’s pointless to play it.

Insanity lock’s meta score is high because it’s the 2nd most played deck, it counters the 1st one AND it’s also strong. It only has 1 really unfavorable matchup: Frost DK.

Other unfavorable matchups have been eliminated from the meta due to low meta score: Concierge Druid, Overheal Priest and Handbuff pally.

Situation is very clear when you know what’s going on, because you’re actually playing the game. Just reading stats, especially biased ones, will never work if you misinterpret the data (or ignore them completely because you don’t understand them)

P.S. Don’t even bother trying to accuse me of ignoring VS data. I didn’t. I complimented on frequency and matchup data, and only said the tier list was wrong/biased. And despite that, I didn’t ignore the data; I took them and turned into a meta score which I agree with.

I don’t have any problem with the point you’re trying to make, but I have a problem with the way you made it. I had such a problem with the way that you were making your point that it took me a while to even get your point.

I am triggered.

See Schyla? This is why we can’t have nice things!

Now excuse me, I’m going to wander to the parking lot and scream profanities into the wind a la Walter Sobchak.

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If you just followed the flow of conversation, the point these Paladin deniers keep making is that it’s not popular and no one plays it and it’s underplayed.

Every stat on every site says otherwise.

The power or whether or not it needs a nerf is an entirely different subject.

The point is, people on this forum refuse to admit its popularity for some, strange, odd reason.

Will Paladin even be playable by next week? I’m not sure. There’s at least 2 new decks that dominate it.


I still wouldn’t use the Hearthstone equivalent of Flat Earther charts to make that point though.

In my tracker, Pally’s popularity dropped from 4.9 to 1.7% this week

If you actually played in my ranks, instead of talking nonsense on the forum, you’d be forced to admit it’s brutally underplayed.

  1. 4,7% is around 1/20 where it should be played 1/11 because that’s how many classes there are, so that’s already 2x underplayed when compared to expected,
  2. it just feels like noone’s playing it when you see it once every 20 to 100 games.

But of course, you do you and keep spitting nonsense without any actual knowledge, experience or understanding of the meta.

6th or 7th out of 11 classes puts them in the bottom half bro. It isn’t the absolute worse, it’s not in a good place either. Can’t even make an Asian Parent meme since to them, second place is just first loser. 6th place is like 5 times the shame to the family :joy:

And it’s not like the play rates decrease in a straight line. The top 3 or so classes are played way more than the ones below it.

I don’t think it’s the meta. It’s his overall understanding of logic, reason, maths, stats, etc.

If he had a more solid understanding of those things, one doesn’t have to personally participate in the meta/ladder to understand what’s going on.

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It’s 6th or 7th most popular DECK.




Can someone please enlighten me as to why these charts are so difficult to read for some people?

What is going on?