Are nerfs and buffs completely off base?

Hard for me to tell as I barely am playing, but afaict none of the nerfs hit any of the top 4 decks in the meta which are

Over heal priest, Face race dk, hand buff pally and fatigue Warlock.

They did absolutely nerf the griftah rogue, and generally the abuse of the naga, but afaict griftah rogue was meme tier until you got near top 100, and it was good there mostly because everyone is playing is there, so it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

Can’t comment on buffs, but it seems that the buffs are the only thing that hasn’t potential impact.

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the wild nerfs were nice.


Common · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Battlecry: If you


with 2 cost tidepool, fatigue lock is MUCH slower.

same I believe with Overheal priest.


This got hit because of Pupil, I expect it to be a hard nerf


Yeah, should become a new meta tyrant :confused:

Overheal? Overestimated!

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I cant speak for Standard, but in Wild the mage “buffs” seem like useless kabuki.
They didn’t do anything for any deck I play, and I don’t believe they did anything for mage in terms of meta performance, except kill the OTK from SA, which I approve of.
However; they didn’t replace it with anything, which just proves all I say about the design team.
Just more token gestures from team 5 pretending they treat all classes the same.

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Funny thing with handbuff pally is that it’s using 99% old cards.

I see VS lists Sanc’azel as one new card, and customs enforcer as a tech card.

It’s not like people don’t know what can beat handbuff pally. But it seems like many people still insist on playing decks that don’t, and suffer for it. Or maybe they aren’t suffering, and simply accept that their deck loses to handbuff pally. Maybe they win elsewhere.

I know I’m guilty of that myself. I play what I feel like, and they’re usually meme decks so I lose to more than just handbuff pally. But hey I’m in the latter group (I accept that my deck ain’t gonna win a lot)

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Handbuff pally isn’t really played enough to matter, tbh. If you lose to it the one out of 20-25 games you see it, oh well if you win versus other more common decks.

I mean, it’s 5% playrate, it’s literally pointless to tech against it

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Their changes tend to be so off-based that I’ve long believed that they purposefully screw up to lower our expectations.

It’s like they are on a whole different planet, and the changes tend to be so overlooked and lazy that it doesn’t correspond to a big company whatsoever. It’s appalling their laziness.

Is anyone really holding any expectations from this team…

I wish my class could get away with this these days, even once.

whoa there, pal.

We don’t dare talk this heresy here on these forums.

Don’t you know?
No one plays Handbuff Paladin. (despite the fact it’s the 6th most popular deck)
Only noobs die to Handbuff Paladin. (despite the fact it gets played at High Legend with a 51%+ win ratio)
Paladin is the 3rd worst class. (despite the fact that it has one of the strongest decks in the meta)
Handbuff Paladin is a super bad deck that is easy to beat. (despite the fact it’s one of the best decks and that even High Legend players lose to it consistently)

Don’t you dare go and try to use data sites and facts to prove all this.
Those sites are all liars.
Just listen to the “real experts” on these forums who will show you with alternative facts that it’s no good!


For example, rogue has a few assassinate and rush poison minions for the occasional kill, but their minions are so average that they can’t keep up with the constant minion pressure. It is one of a few classes without powerful mass removal or sticky minions that they need to rely on so many shenanigans to win.

Now considering demon hunter has a new pirate package, and rogue has a new, err pirate package - even a legendary dedicated to it (it is even labeled as pirate - spiffy). Which one of these packages do you see get any play?

Wouldn’t that deck be useless without charge tokens? You know which one i mean. So classes are in the state they are in because of design choices.

I have know idea what this patched did but the Tidepool pupil was a perfect change. And that rarely happens.

I think We should plead Our case to the Frog and see what his ruling is.:slight_smile:

Play in Wild. Rogue has literally everything.


We should! No need to look at the latest VS that shows Handbuff Paladin as THE most powerful deck score, even if its popularity ranges in the middle of the pack. None of that matters to any of the real experts that lurk on these forums.

By all means, bring in the Frog!





Because I love the movie you referenced, I will spare you my wrath just this once.


These buffs and nerfs are amazing.

Finaly after all these years the devs are not just nuking the strong classes. This has put the game in the bad state it was earlyer this year and the previous years.

They are buffing the classes that need help and tuning down the stupidity of the over powered classes like druid without nuking the class off the face of the planet.

Im not talking about wild at all here im strickly talking about the changes that effect standard.

If this new Hunter deck stays in the meta i predict Paladin is erased from the meta. They cannot handle turn 5+ repeatedly being hit with Plushy and losing their board and hand. Making egg 4 created the perfect turn 4 into 5 mid game swing turn deck. If that doesn’t work 2 cost Hounds with Trample will do just as good.