Are 40 minute shudderwock games the intent/direction?

As the title says, spent FORTY MINUTES playing a single shudderwock game. Is this the intent? How can this be good for the game? I just watched 20 battlecries every turn all the way to rope for 25 turns…I get it, I could have played a more aggressive deck perhaps (I do have one I like) but should I have to? Freezing my minions every turn and then playing cards that prevent me from casting spells means I can’t do anything except watch the other player…this is insane…this is NOT FUN!!


They play shudderwock, you watch 1 round, the freeze your minions and gain x armour/hp. can you beat that in 1 turn? or have some way of disrupting it? no? Concede.

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I often concede on turn one against demon seed warlock. Maybe I could win but it is not fun experience.

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This is why I have suggested the game just declare an “Auto-win,” and end the game. Like big lights flash and auto-win flashes on the screen and the player who got the auto-win gets it applied to an achievement.
The Algo looks at your cards and the other players cards before it sets up the match, so it did know you would lose to the jabberwocky before the game even started.
Right after the flop “auto-win” would flash and declare the jabbywocky player the winner since there never would have been a way for you to beat the jabberwocky.

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This ain’t Yugioh man, the round can’t end just because the opponent shows D E A T H in bright flashy letters at the start of the game, if that was the case I’d have a 100% conceed rate against me anytime they see golden C’thun the shattered! You just need to recognize the shudderwock bait and bail before he comes. It is currently a game of outclassing the opponent and recognizing when you’re simply outclassed. But if you see the opponent make their deck impossibly big to use effectively by flashing Prince Renehal, Prince Malchezar, C’thun the shattered, AND Glenn Graymane at the start… You know darn well this guy won’t have anything usable until around turn 5. Recognizing that a strat is inferior to yours (if not the most inferior thing in you’ve seen all day) is the first step to outclassing your opponent!

Sadly, they knew the animations were broken the last time shudderwock was in standard, left it broken when they moved it to wild, then decided to go x6 (unless you copy/bounce, then it’s more) on it this time around.

Simple fact is, years of complaints later: they do not care.

you had 40 min to win before shudderwock was played and didnt

that means you have to improve your deck…no BOTH decks must been very slow decks for this to happen

so that shudderwock deck wasnt that good

For once, could you try reading an op before trolling for the company?

shudderwock is the last play of the game that means 40 min passed before shudderwock was played

Just flag the off topic trolling as such, since it’s clearly a poor attempt to distract from the real issue: the unfixed animations that have been a problem since before they printed the first shudderwock.

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Once I realize it’s shudderwockblock around turn 6 I just concede, so it doesn’t take that long.


The algo new when it set up the match that the jabberwocky would win.
It looks at all your cards and the opponents.
and then curates the cards as they come out.
There is no shuffling and Blizzard has never stated they shuffle the cards.
The cards are curated by the algo. The algo always knows the outcome becaue it is the one giving out the cards, just like if you sat there and handed each player a card out of their deck one at a time.
It would be up to YOU who wins.

Since they’ve opened the “once per game” pandora’s box it’s only a matter of time before Shudderwock goes to “once per game”.

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Just quit and restart game, you will get reconnected and animation sequence will be done.
Also works in BG as soon as the game starts i quit and restart at Bob with 120sec to shop. I do it all the time lifesaver.

*Edit if you get the mainscreen you lost the game.

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Egads the clash royale “the game is over when megaknight is played just close the game… it’ll all be over soon” mentality actually works!

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Is this fun though? Are “I WIN” cards fun? WHAT WERE THE DEVS THINKING?
Why do they think “I WIN” cards make the game fun?

As I have stated before. If the Algo know the person with the jabberwocky is going to win the game, the algo should just stop the game and declare the person with the “I WIN” card the winner.

Give it a crazy name like SUPER DUPER massive WINNER with flashing lights and stuff anytime someone wins with a “I WIN” card.
You will also get a special achievement after enough “I WINS.”

because it is ! my favourite version uses oracle to make my ooponent drzaw to make sure my opponent has 6 cards in hand to give all my shudderwocks charge