I already admitted I was wrong, hunter has more tools for removing minions and controlling the board with spells; that’s why control hunter is successful and control paladin isn’t.
That’s also why hunter never plays aggro and always play in a passive way like priest.
They should definitely remove rush from most of hunter cards and give them to paladin, which is a class known for having bad minions so giving to most of them rush would make a lot of sense
How can somebody complain about no interactivity then also complain you don’t have a way to steal the payoff somebody built their whole deck around…? To me that is far less interactive.
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My post was telling you you’re wrong, but not for the reasons you stated.
But you keep on doubling down on the (probably sarcastic) strawman of yours.
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Forgive if I’m being inconsistent although I don’t think I am. All I am saying is that we cannot interact very much with Quest Hunter.
Pretty easy when you’re talking about solitaire decks like quest hunter and quest mage, that will kill their own minions to advance their quests and that feed off of anything you play on the board.
Unless someone makes a mistake, quest hunter and quest mage play their payoff same turn, making things like theo and mutanus useless.
Which is good. This is them taking advantage of counterplay options. You could still sell delay their payoff this way or otherwise stall their gameplay, and/or force them into completing the quest before they can play it the same turn.
It sounds like you just don’t want them to be able to outplay your disruption, meaning you just want theotar to be the “I win” card with no downside.
If they didn’t have counterplay cause their wincon was something like denathrius you would just smugly say it’s their fault for running a single card wincon, so lol
Wow you just cant admit you are wrong. Thats childish.
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No, it sounds like you missed the point, but that also means you won’t understand it no matter how anyone explains it to you.
U can just admit ur wrong it’s ok
But I am not wrong.
The point whooshed right past you and your lack of insight suggests that would be the result no matter how many times someone tries to write it out for you… crayon or otherwise.
Cheers, mate!
By no means did i play alot of quest hunter. Actually i never even played qh. But i faced lots and i dont think their biggest issue after nerf is draw. Its just that the quest is too slow.
I doubt they will be back in the picture with the new cards.