Apprenticeship/Tutorial progression locked, incompletable

They are working on a fix for this:

Seems that I found solution. I also stuck on level 11. You have to go to settings during battle and concede. I received enough points like this to move to level 12

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It’s not a permanent solution tho’, i tried this for an hour, sometimes you get xp, sometimes you don’t :)) it doesn’t make any sense, it feels random, i hope they fix this soon, it’s so annoying…

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It is permanent solution actually, you can concede at turn 3 and level up even faster, and it’s the only way to bypass this bug (as soon as you obtain DK deck, use only that deck)

So you saying you get xp if you play DK and concede at turn 3, even if this works, you can’t complete the quests which is kinda pointless, they should fix this in the next patch tho’, patience is the key i suppose.

A patch will release today which will fix this issue.

at what time does the patch release.

Between 7 and 8 pm for me. I don’t know about other time zones.

It’s a server side patch so there won’t be any download.

what time zone are you in.

The european time zone.

I am too in Europe time zone now 21:03 PM do you please know if it’s already working or if it’s still bugged ?

I can’t test it since I’m not in the tutorial.

It’s fixed, i tested now :slight_smile: