Apparently you can get muted in a game w/o chat

I got muted twice now in the past month even though you can’t talk to your opponent.

The second time I didn’t even add anyone who made a friend request. Apparently you can report someone for inappropriate chat even if they’re not your friend and have never sent you a chat message. Submitted an appeal saying I haven’t even chatted with anyone and just got a canned message back.

Try it, go into the friend menu and click your recent opponents. Don’t like the deck they played? Report them for inappropriate chat. Don’t like that they beat you? Report them for inappropriate chat.

You would think having sent someone a chat message would be a prerequisite for an inappropriate chat report, but apparently that’s not the case here.

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Just start a bot net yourself and you can have the same powers.

Blizzard is cutting every corner they can. Auotmate everything and just assume a high enough threshold should take care of everything.

The ticket system is designed to trap 99% of tickets into buckets that are never even looked at by a person. The ticket system will try many times to select topics or even different games from what you type. Make sure every time you don’t select the wrong ones.

If you do get a real person response, they are under a system that rewards closing as many tickets as fast as possible. That means mass selections and canned responses.

If you manage to write a response that is confusing enough to require actual reading on their part, prepare to be stonewalled on being provided on any information. He isn’t going to say that no one cares, or has the time to bother.

Blizzard has become the tumour.


Everything is automated, if you add people and just report them then ignore them , they get banned sooner or later…

Blizzard has no more man power for things that can be automated :)…So I am using this in my advantage.

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I remember you. You recently had a hateful message removed from the forums. It was probably related to that, and nothing to do with in game chat.

Yeah, same happened to me in March, I’ve been silenced for 15 days or so without a reason provided

Same when I opened the ticket, they just said they had their own reasons

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What does “muted” mean in this context? Can no longer emote during games? Can no longer chat? Can no longer add new friends?

I got muted on the forums separately. That has nothing to do with the in game mute. I don’t talk to people in game because well, you know, you CAN’T unless they’re your friends.

Muted in game means you can’t chat with your friends. You can still emote during games. It changes nothing with opponents because you could never chat with them anyway. I don’t think you can add new friends either

Thanks, that’s what I assumed, but I wanted to be certain in case it had something to do with emoting. If you emote a lot during play, I believe some people will report for “inappropriate chat” even though I consider that an abuse of the reporting feature. I suspect this may have been what happened to you, but I could be wrong about this.

Yeah, but ironically being muted doesn’t stop you from emoting. It’s impossible for an emote to be “inappropriate” given that they’re predefined

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People actually use the ingame chat system over discord? :o