Anyone tired of third turn 6/5's

There are a couple 1 drops you keep, like Miracle Salesman. But Instrument Tech and Umpire’s Grasp are by far the most important things.

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When playing a deck like this, I’d also think about maintaining a curve to play on turns 1, 2, 3 and so on. If there’s no good opening hand, you do look for that weapon, but if you see that you can play a turn 3 (or even 2) big Zilliax against an opponent who’d lack a removal for it at that point, for example, you could go for it.

PS Updated the post above with some proper references. :grinning:

If you want people to read long posts (which 99% won’t do anyway), you shouldn’t start them with something inflammatory xD

You have to understand that you most likely play a deck which counters DH-s or you’re playing in dumpster legend against bad DH-s which is why they seem weak.

They are not weak, they are broken.

Have you seen many actual people on these forums :grinning: , let alone those capable of reading (that’s just a collection of my posts bemoaning poor reading skills in general)?

To me, they are neither. A legitimate (i.e., not OTK, solitaire etc) deck, with some good matchups and some bad ones.

Maybe you play something ridiculous and broken like the Sludge Warlock (‘Ohmaigaad, the Wheel of Death, fifty barrels of laughs sludge in your face, I win, lol!’) and rage that these guys kills you instead, like they should? :grinning:

Yes, I do xD And DH is literally my only counter on the ladder, it’s insane xD We’ve been hit with a big nerf already, but still more than viable

Donkey puts us at 3rd highest winrate deck but with a very low sample off 1650 games

In translation, only a few dedicated experts still play it xD

Still, doesn’t change the fact that DH has enourmous winrate, 60%, and has infested the ladder. Too much of one class is choking the game

And I expect that his nerf will also negatively impact sludges, because decks that will become viable again will include more counters to me (rogue is already annoying but rare)

That was rhetoric, do you think I’ve not noticed your mentioning it? :grinning:

Ah, I see.

An ordinary aggro deck that just happens to kill mine before some really broken stuff happens? Argh, it ‘infested the ladder’!

A still ‘broken’ and ‘busted’ deck, despite some nerfs (yeah, turning that 4-mana 7-7, also shooting sludges, into a 5-7 is almost nothing compared to the 5-mana 6-5 in question :grinning: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:), not winning all its match-ups? Boohoo, how is that even possible. :grinning:

That’s what I call a fair and totally unbiased perspective. :grinning:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bro why I’m hardstuck 200 on NA then

And 5k on EU xD

I neeed moreee WINS :smiling_face: :smiling_face:

I do run j’s version and most of the time by tirm 4 or 5 i can have everything pulled off skmetimes turn 3 but it still has a little consistency issues.

they decided to powercreep again but now all the game is out of control vs “powerplays” .

2 * 6/5 is impossible to clean for rogue turn 4
and for a lot of classes so all the balance of this game right now is completely broken .

i predict that soon the game will fall with no interest because they are so much situations where you are "echec et mat " sooner or later that nobody will want to play this garbage impossible situations .

Remember when Priestess of Fury and the dormant Antaen cards were like, omg? Wasn’t even that long ago. Now look where we are