Anyone think Druid treant deck a little OP?

i play it so I know what it does and to me it makes the game to easy with the fact that noone can ever keep you down period. To me it is way to many minions on the board as fast as we can. (we are the fastest deck in the game when putting down shear amounts of minions turn after turn)…

Guess I am just tired of the direction of the Druid Treant deck because even if you can kill off all the tree’s they just keep putting them down and eventually put Soul of the Forest down and at that time you are pretty much dead thanks to Roar next round.

I think Soul of Forest or even Roar needs HOF’d to balance out Druid Treant decks.


Considering that pretty much every warlock deck in ladder right now smashes it into smithereens and vs face hunter is also pretty iffy, I would say no, it’s not really OP.

It’s a strong deck, don’t get me wrong. But it’s got two glaring weaknesses:

  1. Your opening hand/rng. If you don’t get a really great mana curve right off the bat and end up with an opening hand or first few draws of being full of buff cards and no treant generation, you’re in danger regardless of what class you’re facing. I lost twice yesterday to dragon paladin and highlander paladin, and once I was taken out by a murloc shaman for the sole reason of my opening hand being crappy.
  1. A player who understands that token druid requires minion removal and not spell removal (though of course mages with a ton of removal work really well). It’s all about minion trading, token druid itself tries to trade minions constantly and come out ahead, so if your opponent manages to get enough stuff out there and keep your board clear through trades, you’re also kind of borked.

In the past two days, I have gone up against:

7 warlocks (18 percent of games), I’ve won 2 of those games and lost 5.
8 hunters (18 percent of games ), I’ve won 2 of those games and lost 6.

Then we have shaman and rogue following at 14 percent of games, and I’ve won the majority of these matchups, but have also lost them due to card draw/bad mulligan.

I’ve only seen four paladins total, but I also only won one game in those four.

So it’s not really that treant druid is OP. It’s that it’s strong against two of the most popular decks on ladder right now, and weak to only one of them. It seems to be quite weak vs paladin as well, but paladin is not as popular in the current meta.

I would assume that if treant druid grows in popularity, we will see a lot more paladins and warlocks… well, more warlocks than we already have.


It’s also important to note that treant Druid hasn’t been viable… ever, until now.

On top of that, the cards that make it viable (Dendrologist, Landscaping, Mulchmuncher) are being rotated to Wild very soon. Druid play will return to its previous token format after that.

And I’ll probably go back to res priest :stuck_out_tongue:


I beat Warlocks (all types) over 60% of the time same with Hunter(s)…

I can’t beat rezz Priest cept maybe 40% of the time and that does require a good starting hand for me bad one for them.

Warriors are about 50% due to their insane damage output and rush minions.

Rest of the classes i stomp all over (cept on the rare occasion they get good cards and don’t.

My biggest issue is with the Glak awakening that screws me over more then anything (stupid cards are what they are) specially the Shamans.


Lucky you, I can’t seem to do jack squat against any warlock that is running an aggro deck unless I get really, really lucky.

I almost never see res priest in my tier, I imagine I will see them more when I get to Legend (I just came back from a long break since before Uldum and have decayed). I’ve recorded 2 games vs priest in the past 2 days, both were wins.

Warriors I have no issues with, Shaman seem to depend on the deck type and RNG, face Hunter gives me issues.

But really, the problems inherent in the treant deck center around whether or not you draw Aeroponics early, and the potential to end up with a hand full of buffs and no treants to use them on. It’s the same issue that token druid had in RoS, only made slightly easier to deal with due to Treeinforcements/Garden Gnome/Shrubadier being such high value cards.

Shrubadier might actually be my new favorite card. It’s freakin’ adorable.

Ah see and here I just hope to draw Force of Nature/Anubisath Defender for a turn 5 drop. Again it hinges around Aeroponics and Dendrologist. Dendrologist has given me a third Force of Nature so many times.

So the deck is heavy on RNG, with the only static factor being that you have treants. Lots of them. If you draw the cards that give them to you, that is. And I can certainly see how it must be annoying to the enemy when they are running a deck that can’t trade or clear my board, but likewise I want to tear my hair out when I’m facing a smart opponent who makes good trades and prevents me from getting enough minions on the board for a win condition.

And again, the three cards that make treants viable are leaving for Wild soon. I don’t think it’s a horrible thing that Treant Druid is crushing it for the first time in the history of Hearthstone… for a limited time only.

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Thank you for admitting it. I play rogue and I’m pretty sure my winrate against them is less than 5%. I’ve tried to make favorable trades against them, but I quickly run out of steam because my minions don’t survive until my next turn. I’m (usually) playing 1 minion a turn while they’re usually getting 3+ off of effects. I’ve even tried stacking my deck with plenty of spell damage + fan of knives to try to board wipe them, and even then I still usually lose. Between soul of the forest, the card that buffs their trents to 3/3’s, and how quickly they can refill an empty board in general; I just don’t see how I’m supposed to win.

I’ve tried to go face and out rush them down but of course that doesn’t work because they’re faster than I am and have no problem getting great value from trading against my board. The deck is definitely faster than Warlock (which I have a much higher winrate against) and will have no problem trading into their minions, so the only thing I think is capable of outspeeding it is hunter as dying to them around turn 5 isn’t uncommon for me (though I have a higher winrate against hunters as they seem to have a higher chance of opening bad / misplaying).

The only other deck at my level that I think could consistently win against them is maybe rez priest, as they have tons of taunt minions with either reborn or a deathrattle that takes a minion out. Gala warrior and shaman just seem like they’d be too slow, as does mage and paladin. Embiggen druid at least gives me a chance, trent druid is just nuts.

It’s literally meant to beat you. You are scissors, Treant druid is rock. You’re whining because it can beat rogue, meanwhile it gets its face smashed in by warlock and hunter, both of which are seen just as often as rogue on ladder.

Every class has its super weakness, rogue’s is treant druid. You don’t get to win every game you play.

Beats priest most of the time too, you just can’t play their game. IF you don’t do any damage the first few turns, you throw them off entirely.

Nope. Warrior is easy to win, shaman not so much, mage has enough board clear to keep treants down, and paladin smashes treant druid harder than warlock. They just aren’t that popular.

Yes its OP and cheap but so is the rest of every other wincondition of any other class. The game became like that for the grind to legend instead of having to play a 25+minute control game with options, which 50% of playerbase hates.

Lmao no offense mate but it sounds like you aren’t playing druid treeant right. I run both a druid treant deck and a Galakrond Warlock deck. I lose against treeant decks with my warlock deck about 70% of the time, and my warlock deck is fast…(I’m talking turn 2 dragonblight cultist turn 3 fiendish rites to get me atleast a 4/3 and 2 2/2s). Still doesn’t compare to the druid deck). Also, you mentioned minion trading but all the druid has to do is drop down a sould of the forest. And holy crap I haven’t even gotten to how broken Tree Speaker is. I know I’m rambling but if a deck only has one direct counter(hell fire, which I can’t even run in my Galakrond deck; Flamestrike isn’t a counter because you’re already dead on turn 7 and increasing spell dmg doesn’t work because there are 6 treeants on the other side ready to destroy that creature), then it is OP.

I play lots of Treant Druid and I think your observations are spot on.

  • I’ve played against mages who just keep the board clear. Until I finally end up with no treants (or critters of any kind) and a hand full of buffspells. It might look like treant decks can refill indefinetly, but I’ve run out of gas a couple of times. Turn 6 and 7 can be completely dead turns if the opponent kept up with me.

  • Paladin usually just destroys me. Paladin is better at flooding the board en dealing out early damage.

  • Opening hand /rng can really make or break a treant game. Ending up with end game cards and trying to play from behind with a treant deck is an uphill battle to say the least.

  • I’m also playing alot with my treant deck because I know it will disappear when the rotation hits. And I’m thinking, it might/will never return again.

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Idk I guess I just run a pretty late game deck and by the time I start pumping out my combos, I have no creatures to use them on. I can certainly see how some of the decks Twist mentioned could beat it, but I feel like treant decks still have an opportunity to outplay it’s counters while all the decks the treant deck counter has little counter play against the treant deck. Whether this is a problem with HS balancing/power creep or the treant deck, idk

That’s why I might be playing Wild in the future. There are several archetypes that I don’t want to let go out including Treant Druid. The other being Dragon Mage.