Anyone know about Nemsy necrofizzle hero skin?

Hi! Can I still get Nemsy necrofizzle hero skin? I know we can only open private rooms now. But I heard it’s possible if we meet the conditions even if it’s a private room. Right? But strangely enough, I didn’t get a Nemsy even though I met all the conditions. I don’t know why. 3 people together, established tavern, weekend Brawl mode, same Wi-fi. Do I have to meet any other conditions? Or is it impossible to get Nemsy skin right? I want to know if I can still get Nemsy skin and if it’s blocked at all. Oh, and is there a Wi-Fi condition right? I’m actually curious about this, too. I heard Nemsy was obtained using not Wi-Fi in the past. I’ll be waiting for your reply! Have a nice day!

Why are you still asking this? Do you think anynore has access to a special private Blizzard shop where he can buy anyhting or what? Just keep your eye on the shop every Tuesday… that is the time when they are refreshing the offers…

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Because I couldn’t get Nemsy hero skin even though I did what Blizzard said. When asked, they didn’t answer correctly. That’s why I’m posting again. Is it bad to ask questions to solve problems? I want to play the game together, enjoyably, without any blockages. It’s not good to look at it as just being fussy. There are a lot of people like me who have doubts about Nemsy hero skin.

Good news for you! (too) :smiley: h t t p s://

Hi, I don’t know if you are stil playing or not… are you around or not… but your whished Nemsy hero skin is in the shop NOW! Get it! :smiley:

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