Anyone else struggling to enjoy this game now?

Ive been a player from when the 3/2 raptor was a staple in every deck. I only play mage because im a casual gamer now and its best to focus all my attention at making the best decks for one class but with the last 2 expansions I find it really hard to enjoy the game. A lot of the games are over in the first 5 crystals, a good balanced game is hard to come by. I wish they would up the health of all the characters because they keep adding more and more ways to do damage and develop a huge board but it just means so many games end so fast its like you don’t even get to play the game.
Just venting, does anyone else experience this?


I find the new set completely unplayable, worse than any set before it

Luckily I found my new passion in battlegrounds. God I hate playing nagas

If you’re struggling to have fun, then do yourself a favor and stop playing. You don’t owe Blizzard anything, you only owe yourself to play games you enjoy.


You are not the only one. I came back to the game after skipping the last 2 expansions and their mini sets.

Paladin is very oppressive and Demon Hunter is non interactive. Every time I try to play as a control warrior I queue into a plague or Reno Death Knight. Same goes for other hard counters or rng, it’s a game feature, match making aside it’s just not fun. Even with being able to make most competitive decks is miserable at diamond ranks 8-9.

I’m in my 40’s and can’t play as much as I used to and there are other games but I would be replaying old content which is not as exciting as a new HS expansion.

100% this. The second a game starts to feel like a chore I stop. It’s extremely rare for me to do a tavern brawl and I don’t keep tabs on my daily/weekly quests. They aren’t fun for me so the reward is irrelevant.

As for my current enjoyment of the game, it’s actually the highest it’s been in ages (post Snake nerf). Probably because of my current rank (just hit platinum), but I haven’t faced many Demon Hunters and everything else has been fairly competitive. Sure I get blown out sometimes by a Mech Rogue or Pally, but that’s unavoidable with mulligan and draw rng.

I don’t limit myself to a single class. IMO the game is not designed for players to stick with a single class and doing so really limits you when trying to be competitive. After all, the best Mage decks of any expansion might never be better than tier 2 and could always end up having bad matchups against the most popular deck.

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Just have to accept that this is the life cycle of card games. It starts off slow and enjoyable, and then increasing gets more and more complex to the point of winning/losing on the mulligan. Hearthstone as you remember it is dead. Also doesn’t help that more than half the games have toxic people in them that spam emotes when they win. Not that enjoyable.

Will have to wait another few years for the next new card game to start out to be honest. Then the cycle begins again.

sorry let me understand better, you’ve been playing for 10 years and you’ve never noticed that the game is totally manipulated and everything is far from being “random”? It’s obvious that if you play a slow class the system will always pair you with fast decks, especially if you never release dollars, with this system you have two options, don’t play anymore, and Blizzard cares very little about this, or use your dollars to buy those decks that continually asphalt you and become one with a fourth turn deck, too bad that at that point you will encounter decks capable of blocking your strategy at the next expansion and the hamster in the wheel game continues for the next 10 years

5 games in a row all over before turn 6. Druid dumpster armor and zug zug DK’s. Hoping merger leads to pink slips.

Edit: 3 more in less than 20 minutes.

Funny enough I was just about to make this thread. Can we go back to when the first 2-3 turns didn’t decide the game?

I also play mage and i am also feeling disappointed of the game , but at least i found a way to have fun even at this dreadfull shape the game has now. I target specific mindless aggro decks , create a counter completely mine not any of those silly netdecks and make those player’s life miserable . Try it it 's fun ! You are not gonna go high in ladder i promise you that , but you are going to have a few good laughs with those running speed decks !

the game is broken. I came out of a match with hunter OTK me with combo of Stonebound Gargon, 2x Absorbent Parasite and Always a Bigger Jormungar. Do the dev even test their game?

that doesnt sound like a bug we have bugs but this isnt one so the "test their game "bit makes zero sense

same as the post because we know always a bigger jormungar is getting nerfed and there are several posts about it