Anyone else frustrated with Arena?

Iv’e been playing arena for a long time and the balance seems to be all over the place. So many decks that spam powerful cheap removal and hit face.

Anyone else feel frustrated by Arena lately?


Maybe you just suck at deck building in arena like me

It’s not about deck building skill. There are just too much cheap removal and stuff to spam face. Look at mage decks which so often spam spells for 15 or so damage in arena. That’s way too crazy and not fun.

Currently, Arena presents a number of additional obstacles for most players:

1). Broken cards: The devs do not seem to consider Arena much when they are developing broken power-crept cards or even if such broken cards should be included in Arena. Super broken cards are way more impactful in Arena than they are in constructed, since they can only be obtained randomly. Examples of broken cards in the current meta include:

Sylvanas, the Accursed

Pack the House

The Sunwell



Star Power

Cosmic Keyboard

Infinitize the Maxitude

Lord Marrowgar

The Scourge


The Leviathan

While the nerfed Sire Denathrius is less of a problem now, it’s still pretty broken in Arena.

2). Super-drafts:

Gold farming in Hearthstone via botting generates accounts with a lot of free gold, which are then sold to Arena players who
simply retire bad Arena drafts, without any need or motivation for playing bad drafts. These bot account buyers seek only to play Arena super-drafts so that they can ROFL-stomp the typical drafts made by most non-botted accounts.

The ability of some players to play only super-drafts really amplifies a third problem or change in Arena these days, which is related to “cupcake ratios”

Not true. Deck building skill is an extremely important part of Arena, but it’s no longer about playing curve-stone or tempo, since board clears are common enough.

3). Cupcake Ratios:

An Arena Board Leader, named Kolst, described how Arena is now more about having a lot more broken cards and combos in your deck to increase your chances of getting to play them.

To borrow a quote from Gordon Gekko from the movie Wall Street to illustrate this idea: “Greed is good” in Arena right now.

Kolst uses a “cupcake” analogy to illustrate his point about how Arena was once more about building an important foundation (the cake of a cupcake) by having a good curve and good tempo-based cards with a just a little icing, the “secret sauce” in a deck that was a few strong cards that served as possible finishers, but these days, wins are more determined by having a lot more icing (broken cards) in your deck to improve your chances of playing something devastating to secure a win.

All of this makes it a lot harder to get 7+ wins, but despite all the above, Arena is currently one of the modes that I still enjoy playing.

Ya, Star Power can do that, and cards like Audio Splitter, Rewind, Volume Up, and Infinitize the Maxitude means that you are likely to see more than one Star Power played by a Mage.

Mage, my favorite class to play, has a lot of removal and versatility in Arena right now due additional strong cards like: Frozen Touch, Synthesize, Reverberations, etc….

Plus, Mage has a decent chance getting some good mech value and synergies with cards like:



Remixed Dispens-o-bot

Amalgam of the Deep


Trench Surveyor

Audio Splitter

Azsharan Sweeper

It’s important not to try forcing a mech package when doing a mage draft, but sometimes mechs are just presented in an order that makes it obvious when to draft some extra mechs, like picking up Azsharan Sweeper(s) after you already drafted one or more Trench Surveyor.

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Get used to lose at HS arena as average 3-wins player, not so frustrated.

Yep ARENA is garbage mode im 10+ season in row LEGENDARY player but arena play it only for free ticket.
It is frustrating mode EVER !!!
ENEMY have SUPER combo, minions same type (mech, magnetic atc.) and I have TOTAL poor 3 cards for chose :smiley: If I get from 30 cards to choose 3 minions of the same type it’s a miracle…
Enemy have 4x legendary I will get one type of “After Your Hero Attack Draw Pirates” IF I HAVE 0 Pirates: D



Its full of bots and is unplayable.