Anyone else feel like you can't win anymore in ranked wild?

The game started out with almost 50/50 it seemed as to who would win any match.

Then along came secret pally where I played that and got to gold 10. Before bg’s I played only to get my quests done so like an hour every other day max.

Then along came the first of many stupid cards Blizz thought we would like, Reno Jackson where suddenly a lot of matches you’d be winning only for your opponent to drop Reno and now you likely just lost because the match was already 20/30 cards in so how do you take someone down now with 10 cards left? Cards weren’t as powerful back then.

Then came the I’ll just keep resurrecting these 5 minions priests who as long I didn’t get a priest opponent my odds were still about 50/50 that I’d win the next match.

Then came and on and on and on X card that has just made wild more and more stupid.

I was literally down to 1 deck last expansion, Uther hero pally where I have a lot of control cards and as long as I’d draw Uther eventually, then drop the two 2 cost cards insta win. Otherwise there’s no guarentee it feels like where I’d win a match.

Now this expansion I swear it doesn’t matter what I play anymore. If I go control I get an insta win opponent. If I go zerg I get a control opponent. If I go insta win the 1 card I need I can’t draw to save my life.

Yeah I know blah blah there’s some dude who will come here and be like I don’t know what your problem is I just got 10 wins in a row last night. I’d like to watch someone do that because frankly I don’t believe it’s possible.

The worst of it is unless I’m wrong Blizzard took the weekly ranked wins quest and reverted it back to you must win 5 to complete this quest where I think for a good while it was just play 5 matches.

Took like 16 matches this week to get the 5 wins. Soooooo frustrating knowing I’m not amazing and yet in the past I could string together 4 wins. Now getting to silver 5 is a real slog.

Like am I the only one?

And no I’m not going to go play standard as that might be easier. If I’ve got all the cards why gimp myself?

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heck, I just got back into standard hearthstone and I can’t win at all. Seems RNG is paring me against players that are in gold rank and i’m at 9 bronze.

Paladin hasnt seen the kind of powercreep as other classes. If youre hellbent on that class i see a lot of librham pally and holy wrath snatching wins from me. Good luck out there