Anyone else been quitting more matches lately?

Since I’ve realized I will never get to legend and since wild has gotten so stupid I’ve been just straight up quitting matches. Okay, so your deck effectively allows you to “cheat.” Next match please.

Turn 15 and no matter what I throw at you I will not win this match because you’re unkillable. Nice to see Blizz slowly killing their game.


Concede is the best play this game has. It beats any deck every time…I have 100% win rate.

Concede is the best option to save time instead of playing impossible matches… Because time is the most important in this game… not skill anymore because of the insane unbalance… Just skip hopeless matches and move on instead of waisting time with them.


Not in Constructed, but I have been conceding a lot in BGs. Today I was actually doing well, but the anomaly made the game feel so linear and boring, I just couldn’t play it anymore and dropped out.

Ill do it if ther tavenr just refuses to give me a key minion. I will get to tier 4 and eventually i find myself at turn 10 or 12 and i still havent gotten a banana hammock to make beasts work at all. I can go the entire match up to tier 4 or 5 sometimes 6 with demons and NEVER find the one that undoes the self damage… Now if i end up at tier 3 and havent found it yet i just bail. I havent been able to make elementals work since we still had Teracgosa in the dragons tribe…(not related other than a time reference). And that reborn buffer to undead from tier 6 just DOES NOT EXIST for my games for my tavern refreshes or my golden discover options. Since the undead tribe came out. I have only been offered her once. ONCE. not in the triple discover either, im talking at all in the tavern ever.

Neon is right about the tavern being too dilluted with minions that just arent usable at all for any builds and the important ones are just “plenty for thee but not for me.”

If you’ve hit Tavern 4 and have no Rewind demon, you need to stop trying to find it.

Tokens. Sister is okay, but tokens is the best Undead strat. If you get an early sister, it can carry you for sure, but if you get yourself some token Undead into the the T5 Avenge minion, you’ll finish top 4 easy.

This is all not taking into account any anomaly, of course.

Yes. Anyone that has worked on the Priest class or thought that having all that removal was in anyway shape or form a good idea should no longer be involved in anything Hearthstone related. They are simply not good at their job and should quit, be reassigned or never work in this field again.
Anytime that a class deliberately makes you not want to play the game, spend money on the game or make it not fun, that is a horrible design and should not be rewarded. Just the opposite, those people working on the priest class should have their badges removed and retrained on what makes the game fun.

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