Anyone else annoyed by new mercs features?

So 6 new mercs is fine because of course they’re going to keep adding more mercs, but now all my max mercs that I thought I was done with have new features.

Another 1-2 years of grinding? Really? Thanks.

so…you didnt read the patch notes

mighty big glass house you’re throwing stones from, troll bot.

No, they’re not.

Read the patch notes: this is the end of mercstone except for bug fixes.

Pressing F for anyone who got scammed into paying money for this mode.

I did read the notes after I made my post, but did not see that they’re not adding any more mercs and find that hard to believe.

the OP doesnt look edited
so he never said he read the patch notes on the OP so what are you talking about ?

something you would be all to familair with.

set trolling for the company from “1” to “0” and reading comprehension from “0” to “1” and read the post again.

Annoyed from ALL game modes, all rng false, matchmaking manipulation from blizzard, all game modes are full of too many annoyng animations, this is the end of this game for me

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