Any Reason To Keep Shadowform?

I just learned that they gutted the Shadowform card and it no longer upgrades hero power. Should I just disenchant my copies now? So sad that this was changed…

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it’s the same i just looked at it

He means it doesn’t upgrade to deal 3 damage if you play two of them or play one after darkbishop benedictus activates at start of game. It used to, long ago. Actually I think they changed it right when darkbishop was printed maybe.

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Right, there is little point to the card now so I can dust it?

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little point?

its functioning as its supposed to now…

No, it isn’t. The card is supposed to upgrade hero power when 2nd copy is used, now it no longer does. But I think I have my answer on dusting it, ty everyone

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That wasn’t how it was supposed to work, thats why they fixed it

If you read the card, it says “your hero power deals 2 damage”, it doesn’t say anything about increasing it, it was a weird bug that they kept for a while

I would’ve disenchanted it before this patch, but that’s just me

I take it you weren’t around for the first several years of hearthstone? Because that was definitely how it was supposed to work. Thank you for your contribution regardless.

it would have been how it was supposed to work if it was worded differently

It was just a wacky bug, granted, I think it should’ve stayed the same, as I prefer the card that way, but it was not meant to do that

It took them 5+ years to “fix” this thing that was “not meant” lol…I love Blizzerd

This is what it used to say

It was changed when the Core set was introduced in March 2021 to no longer change the hero power from Mind Spike to Mind Shatter when the 2nd copy was played. This is because Darkbishop Benedictus was already planned for release in summer 2021

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Thank you, that is the card I remember.

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I guess the only reason I could think you would want to use it would be if you used a hero replacement but still wanted the shadowdform hero power, or for counterspell or whatever

If you ever wanna be in shadowform you wanna use Benedictus. Aggro shadow pirate priest has been a good deck in wild for a long time, and now I think it’s even better as aggro shadow pirate DRAGON priest. Shadowform itself is a dead card at the moment

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That’s fine…I did not keep the card because it was good (it basically never was) but because of the cool interaction you could have with transforming your hero power twice and the subsequent time being even better version. Now it has nothing cool about it :frowning: