Another weak balance patch so im done

I think the title says it all
Came back after a year off and the same pathetic issues plague the devs.


But the dragon is a 1/1 and 3/4 now, what do you mean it’s not fixed?

Meanwhile wild growth (my favorite og card) at 3 mana lol… :frowning:

It is a joke really the developers changes stats of cards which are not played for stats… they are played for effect… doesn’t matter whats are the stats of them… reminds me of Alliance Bannerman… when they changed it from 2/2 to 2/1… nothing changed because ppl are used it for it’s effect… not stats… and then they restored it to 2/2 because they realised it was nonsense… just another meaningless change…


All they did was change the meta slightly. DK and Warrior go up. Mage and Pally go down. Druid stays about the same.

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but they changed the health not the attack and

on a taunt the stats matter…


These people cannot be helped. The Paladin nerfs are incredibly minor, still getting wrecked by discounted megabuffs. I agree, the patch is pathetic

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Most of the changes now aren’t made to kill decks, just tune them. People often spend 1000-10000s of dust (or 10-100$ if they $$$). So they’re just looking to tune outliers so more decks can be viable.

Even if a nerf doesn’t kill a deck, like how naga dh’s 1/5 → 1/3 nerf didnt’ kill it in top legend/tournaments for the otk potential.

It’s enough to erode it from being played on curve as a difficult to remove, 3 mana 1/5 that easily combos into t4. And now a setup card a deck might need to balance around.

Dragon druid’s nerfs won’t stop druid from building insta dragon golem boards. But 1/1 of opportunity might erode a bit more wiggle room for a extra minion to survive, trade, or clear the minions from Cactus construct.

For instance, that 2/2 snake oil salesman would have previously died to the 2/1 ramp dragon. A common card in the meta. Now it can trade into the 1/1, and clear the 1/2 from cactus construct as well, or vice aversa.

It won’t stop the combo, but it might be enough to shave off 0.5-2% of winrate, which is enough to shave off sometimes to change t1 to t2.


If you’d read his post:

No wonder they can’t pin the right patch notes. Because the basic “read a post” script somehow took away “STATS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING” from that post, even though clearly it was “the card wasn’t played for stats, it was played for EFFECT!”

It’s like saying people play lorethemar (don’t care about the spelling) “BECAUSE HE’S TEH REXXOR 7/7!” and completely failing to miss that he literally doubles the stats of all the minions in your deck (you know, the EFFECT!). Or that people play blackrock and roll because they liked the picture…not because of the EFFECT!

Yikes, they really need to code them better, or debug them more often. Well, haven’t used this in a while

/picard double panda godzilla facepalm

Most reasonable people aren’t looking for decks to be killed, just for ways to actually be playable against.

Except for crusader aura. That’s one card that needs to go the way of tirion.

so? the stats matter some cards have lower stats because the effect is good

there is no need for both the stats and the effects to be good

theron wasnt nerfed …that card needs the stats because it costs 7 mana and no impact on the board

why did you even mention blackrock and roll ?

im guessing you dotn play the game because you would know thats a spell not a minion
it doesnt have a body

You know that “must not be reading what people post, and posting something random in response so must be a bot” thing you’re on about so often…you’ve literally done it multiple times this thread.

Congrats, you failed your own Turing test. REPEATEDLY. And still managed to spam one more “muh stats” to drive the point home. That fact you’re so blissfully unaware of it shows once again how poor a job actiblizz did.

I’m guessing if you did, you’re one of the dks people frequently complain about here on the forums.

stats matter
a lot
specially on a taunt minion
thats why some minions with a strong effect have lower stats for their mana cost

why do you think it is okani is a 2/6 and not a 4/5?

spam continues

wouldn’t be played IF NOT FOR HIS EFFECT!

Looks like you came close to passing that Turing test, but didn’t quite make it.

with higher stats it would be played waaaaaaaay more

it doesnt need the stats to be good but higher stats at 4 mana would make it broken

spam continues and another Turing test failed.

Let’s try this another way: do you think people wanted the card nerfed because it was a 2/2…or because of what was in that little box above the stats that you apparently aren’t coded to read (at least for this thread) and they wanted nerfed was the stats or the aforementioned contents of aforementioned box?

Takes your time.

these posts become really useless when 99% of players are bots, everyone I know makes gold from morning to night… if we add to this that hearthstone is a game deliberately left under the control of the fake rng I’d say we’re at a loss