Another Proof - Scripted Outcome

Look at the last turn. Perfect lethal. And I mean perfect lethal.

No matter what I did in this match, he countered me every single time with “RNG” ( Scripted Outcome ).

So he could have been playing with 1 hand, and still win, because that’s what scripted outcome means. A match which I will lose it no matter what I do or what my opponent do.

Edit: Someone please tell me with a straight face, that this is not scripted :

Just had this match. Its unbelievable what counter cards this guy has vs my deck. THIS IS 100% SCRIPTED! With also perfect lethal on last turn. But pay attention to turn 5 and 11. If you think this is RNG and not scripted, then put some glasses on.

The best exemples ever :


I watched both games.

You literally countered your opponents board perfectly every turn except for the last in both games. Is it so hard to believe they are capable of doing it too? The only real difference is that they played card generation more often than you and therefor had more options.

I also don’t understand why you bring up “Perfect Lethal” each time. You very clearly weren’t going to win either game even if it went on for 6 more turns. Not because it was scripted, but because they had triple the cards you did. Triple! Which btw, wouldn’t even be needed if the game was scripted.

Did you actually watch these games? Show us some games where you have triple the cards, control of the board from early on AND still lose to “RNG”. Those are the types of games that would be truly difficult to believe are legit. The ones you posted are quite easy to believe IMHO.

*Very questionable mulligan (or lack there of) in game 2 btw, not that you believe it would have changed anything of course.


its not cheating with bots its a whole damn dev going in there screwing with you btw

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You clearly have no idea wtf you are talking about. Literally.

Are you blind? Control the board? The guy countered my board every.single.time no matter what I did.

Here you go. Another one : . 6 cards left in my deck, and I didn’t draw my Legendary which would of change the match entirely! Not even the 6 mana life steal. Out of 6 cards yes? But the guy wins with again perfect lethal with, what? Discovery cards. That’s not RNG. That is scripted in order for the guy to win NO MATTER WHAT.

He discovery the life steal minion which LITERALLY saved him from a lose. The life steal spells, which again, literally saved with from a lose. EVERYTHING he needs to win he discovers. That’s not RNG. That’s scripted outcome.

Put some glasses on. Thanks!

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Please explain it then. Why does “Perfect Lethal” matter at all? You claim the game is scripted, which to me sounds like every single draw and RNG effect (by both players of course) is designed for you to lose. What possible reason is there for them to always need this “Perfect Lethal”?

Again, so did you. You countered his board every.single.time no matter what he did. When you finally couldn’t, the game ended. Why was he able to keep countering your board and you no longer couldn’t? It might, just might have been because he had triple the cards in his hand at that point. Which again, if the game was actually scripted, wouldn’t matter at all and is also why I asked you to show me a replay where you weren’t severely disadvantaged by the time the game ended.

OK, now we’re talking. This is game is long, complicated and filled to brim with RNG by both players.

And? You believe you would have won by drawing this card lol? Pick a lane buddy, you either believe you couldn’t win or you don’t. Surely your opponent would have had a perfect counter for it. How does not drawing it prove the game is scripted?

Same answer from me, but it sure sounds like you believe these cards could have changed the outcome.

You also point out all the lifesteal they needed to live in order to later win. Can’t argue with you about that. That being said, both of you have several turns where you are unable to counter each others boards. So unless the script is going out of its way to be needlessly complicated, all of the RNG lifesteal (even the one you randomly received) is pointless as far as proof goes. A fair amount of your damage came from attacking so why didn’t they just easily counter your board each turn like in the other scripted games? No lifesteal needed!

Surely there were easier/quicker paths to victory for your opponent. So why the back and forth until turn 18? Your other games both ended turn 12. Why does it let you have such a large amount of RNG card generation? You’re telling me the script calls for you to discover Infinitize the Maxitude? I’m not buying it.

On the play you kept 2 five drops. That’s a bold strategy Cotten. The fact that you seem to believe your decisions have no impact on the game makes me sad. After a close loss, especially with the help of replays, you should be questioning your own plays and looking for possible mistakes.

This current game you linked is far too long and complicated to point out any single play, but I certainly don’t agree with several of them. That doesn’t mean they were wrong of course, but it’s foolish IMO to assume all of these matches were completely unwinnable from the start.


I would give an opinion but it appears you do not take ones that are not yours well. I suggest working on your attitude and perception.

Indeed! If the scripted outcome system wants you to win, then you can also get Infinitize the Maxtitude among other cards.

Just joined here and your first post is this one? Oh! I feel special now, thanks!

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my favorite part is when you blast yourself in the face for 1 dmg, which set up the lethal, you literally did it to yourself

Ok, what about this ?

Pay attention to turn 9 and what deathrattle minions I get and then on turn 10 , the PERFECT 20 damage ONLY possible thanks to the deathrattle minions I got. IF you still believe that this is just “RNG” and that the game didn’t thrown the x2 Elementium Geode for him to win , then well … Blizzard is happy with you.

Also see my 8 HEAL (!!) . Game was like “Oh really?” and then bum, he gives me that …lovely x2 minions just to have perfect lethal. I mean, what were the odds ? 1 in how many hundreds?

Quiet! It seems you have no idea what you are talking about.

With or without 1 damage, the game would make it possible for him to win and with perfect lethal too. I mean look at the above one.

Off you go now!

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Your examples are getting a little better as this replay has some stuff going for it. An unlikely (statistically speaking) deathrattle outcome with a potentially strong follow up turn for you (defensively speaking) with Ra-den and Pendant of Earth meaning a “perfect lethal” actually has a reason to show up this game.

Not bad. If all your replays looked like this it might be believable.

On the other hand, because you believe it’s a script none of it really matters. Regardless of what deathrattles you received or how many turns the game lasted, you believe the result wouldn’t change. Your opponent had 4 cards and 5 mana unused when you died so four extra damage (or just two if only 1 Geode was summoned) is hardly asking a lot. You were on the draw and losing from turn 1.

You focus entirely on the result with no responsibility for how you got there. The only thing these games have in common is you losing with “perfect lethal” and I’ve already said why I don’t find this a compelling reason for the entire match being scripted.

From the description I imagine you have made other similar threads, but even if you did I wouldn’t believe these are happening in every single one of your losses. Do you believe your other losses are completely natural with zero interference?

…and then you say :

Exactly!! Finally you got it. No matter what I would do, the match is already lost from turn 1, thanks to scripted outcome.

Was it hard to understand this? Anyway, good that you did.

Carry on!

Edit : Here you go

Right from turn 2, the match was already lost. But in the end, he has perfect lethal. Now tell me again with a straight face, that this outcome, all his discoveries, were just…“perfect RNG”.

Edit 2:

Now seriously! Look at turn 9. All the turn 9 and all until the end he was spamming “AMAZING!” Even he couldn’t believe wtf was that. He made a lot of mistakes, like literally, but in the end… PERFECT lethal thanks to scripted outcome … erm, I mean RNG!

Now, you will come up with … what excuses? “Hey, just RNG, nothing scripted” … right? Right? LOL . RNG with 0.01% chances to get X cards yes? Anyway when the scripted outcome takes place, you can do whatever the heck you want, and you will lose.

In comparation, look how I usually win my matches : . Simple, mostly with my cards. That’s because I am good. And then when the scripted outcome says “Hey! Enough!” , he gives me the above matches so that I will 100% lose and keep me around 50% winrate, precisely what Blizzard has officially announced that they want.

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I recently lost to a druid that generated two leeroys from marin they played while they had 6 more mana crystals than me (doomkin + the other funny ramp card). I still probably lost even if they hadn’t found 12 burst for lethal that turn.

It is well known the matchmaking and algorithm essentially forces players into 50/50 win/loss as much as it can (since the game is still 5-10% skill there is a plus/minus to 50/50 that can be achieved if someone really wants/tries/cares). So yes, scripted outcomes. The true dance of hearthstone is saving time by conceding early when you sense or know that the game has decided you were going to lose that match anyway.

100% every game is decided by the algo before the match is set up.
I have noticed the same thing, and I can pretty much figure out if I am going to lose or win a game in the first few turns.
I know the algo wants my opponent to win. But my opponent is not playing very well. Luckily, the algo saves some of his cards that do random spells or whatever at the back of his deck, and he plays those at the end and gets a miracle and wins.
I already knew I would lose no matter what. I figured it would be something like that. The algo was literally doing everything it could to help my opponent since the start of the game. But he was not playing well and making mistakes.
You can’t buck an algo that is curating the cards and spells.

I will also note if you make a deck that is not a pre-made deck and really use your noggin you can make a deck that might win 20 games in a row until the algo figures out how that deck is winning and what the synergy is between the cards. Once it figures it out, it will separate the cards that have synergy and stuff to make sure you don’t get them together.
Eventually, after winning 20 games in a row, you will slowly start losing and then lose every match. You will notice that you don’t get your combo cards together anymore that were making you win.


I started to do just that recently, because its useless. Even if in a turn you’re like “Hm, I might get back on track” …no! Next 2 turns the scripted outcome gives your opponent some combo cards that you didn’t even know it existed lol.

True that! I played many matches against weak opponents with big mistakes, but in the end, they still won. Not because of skill, but because of the scripted outcome. The cards they would get turn by turn were beyond amazing.

Also, I noticed that if I play an arena match and I get like … 3-5 wins in a row and then I make a break for 5 + minutes, THE next 3 matches are 90% loses. You will maybe win 1 more and that will be it. The loses are so bad that you will be like “wtf is this? where is my deck?!?” The drawn cards will be outrageous bad lol, thanks to the scripted outcome.

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